Welcome! The Council of Love team is pleased and excited to offer you inspiring channelings from graduates of Linda’s “How to Channel” seminars and others in our community. Jump start your day with these messages of love.
Our first one comes from Genoveva Coyle. Gen is a graduate of Linda’s “How to Channel” seminar and is a perfect example of what is inside each of us. Thank you Gen.
Greetings and good morning dear ones! I AM Jesus Sananda, your family, big and beloved brother, your companion and friend, for as I have said to thee in the past, I come here to hold your hand in admiration, to embrace you and extend my love to you, to sit peacefully around your bright flame and listen to you and to your fascinating story.
You see, you are the one that is living the story, you are the one that has written the script, the play, and you are the one that is finding the difference between imagination and the dream, and between experiencing and living that reality.
I just love listening to you, I can hear you asking the questions, and then finding the right answer in an instant, and I keep marveling at your brilliance and wisdom. It is beautiful to watch you and your story, you are indeed our preferred character and hero. We love to see you taking on the challenges, going deep in the dark places and emerging out of them in victory and with a smile on your face. We love the surprises and twisting of the stories that you are playing daily.
Your fortitude and resilience, your refusal to ever give up on this journey, on this mission of bringing the light and love back to this beautiful Planet Earth is, to say the least, inspiring to everyone…to the ones already in form and to every single soul waiting impatiently to come down and to join you.
Every single one of you is love incarnate, is an expression of the pure love, walking and talking, singing and dancing, painting, teaching and healing. There are so many styles and languages of love that you have intended to bring and anchor on Earth. You have promised to the Mother to take Her love and express it with your unique talents and abilities, and as one, to create this tapestry in motion, in constant change and transformation, with interlocking and interwoven waves, expanding and reverberating multi-dimensionally, with different loving colors, shapes and nuances of Her essence, and to cover every universe and multiverse there is.
Every single love story, every single event and encounter you have is connected with another one, as brilliant and beautiful as yours and, of course, you know that this is a continuous and an ever expanding process.
Whenever you choose to express and to be pure love, to yourself and to everyone, you are writing and adding more to this gorgeous creation and tapestry of the Mother’s Dream, and you do indeed fill Her heart and ours with pride and love.
Yes, the Mother has chosen well!
I will leave you now with my embrace, eternal and infinite love. Until next time, Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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