Today Jesus-(Sananda) has also appeared to people who believe in him as Jesus (the man-God) that he was 2,000 years ago and to nonbelievers. He appears in his normal or astral body, one of spirit but human form, very glorious and bright, not always on the ground but in air, shining as light. He even appeared in his physical body to pose for a picture and a painting was done of him. (See photo) Note the dove above his hand that represents the Holy Spirit and the orbs above both represent the Christ Divinity. (Picture of Jesus; 95)

He has also arranged things like his face or body in trees, clouds, auto, windows, buildings, walls, sand, water, food and many other things, that people have seen his face or figure in them. Thanks to our present day videos and especially the digital camera and others many people are taking pictures of what looks like Jesus, also sometimes mother Mary. They can be seen on the internet.

Jesus says and has been saying for the last 45 years, that earth is not his base. But his base is on a mother space ship a hundred miles above the earth, and he can be in his physical body there. He’s on Ashtar’s ship, the mother control ship of the Ashtar Command, which is part of the Galactic Federation of Light. I have written a large chapter on UFOs so I will just say that the Ashtar Command of the Intergalactic Federation is in control of 6,000+ mother ships, a few of them planet size. They all belong to what’s called the Federation of light with a total of millions of ships and growing larger quickly ,hovering about 100 miles above the earth and a huge circle encompassing the moon and sun. I have a picture of the inside of one of the mother ships also taken from the Sedona Magazine, 1995. I don’t know if it’s the one Jesus (Sananda) is supposed to be in, but who knows.

And I have a very old photo on my wall as well from them, titled Project Earth Evacuation from a book of the same title back from the late 1970s, (which is now a free download from Ashtar) Along with a Creole picture of Jesus. The reason for them being nearby is because there is a good possibility that we won’t make it through the earth changes and they, the Galactic Federation of Light and Jesus-(Sananda), have an emergency plan to evacuate us, first on their ships, then to relocate us on another planet some what like this one. More on this later…

Meanwhile Jesus is teaching us his ways as a master son . We still believe in his old teachings of 2,000 years ago but that was just laying the foundation. That’s one of the reasons he spoke in parables. Also he taught back then in very simple teachings that even the unlearned or uneducated could comprehend and memorize truths to use in their everyday life. No one was left out, for those with higher education he taught higher parables. Sadly today, little of what he originally taught has survived in the public domain. Between 600 and 1000 AD, the Catholic Church (that was already infiltrated by satanic groups) deleted or hid most of the teachings of Jesus.

The Catholic church at this time actually became the Anti-Christ church. The church didn’t want any information that would take away from the power of the religious leaders and the church. The Jewish people rejected him since what he taught was outside the Jewish church at that time. His body was killed because he was a threat to their power over the people. But he used this death of the body to teach the people the highest love one can have, “that is to give ones life for ones enemy” In 1850 it became known that there were discovered 5,500 papers on Jesus teaching that had been thought lost, hidden in the basement of the Vatican. This can still be seen by certain privileged people!

Jesus chose the Jewish nation for his bestowal, not just to fulfill prophesies, but because the common people had a higher understanding of God since they had a higher education than most nations of the world and were allowed to read there own scriptures. The common folk were able to carry on his work to some degree, such as his apostles and disciples. The New Testament kept a little of his teachings in it, mostly repeated four times so it would look like it was more. They didn’t start to put all the writings together until 200 years after his death. And they only chose that which would not take away the powers of “the new church”. But it was not the Jews who spread the gospel of Jesus but the European’s.

As most people should know, all new religions are born out of the old ones. No new religion just pops up and is accepted by the people. Christianity was no exception. Jesus’ teachings were very different from the old Jewish religion, almost complete opposite. For example, the Old Testament says an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But Jesus said turn the other cheek, and help those who do us wrong, forgive. Fear of God and wrath of God” is Jewish and beyond. Jesus said love of God and mercy of God, forgiveness, etc., on and on throughout his teachings. So the Bible had to separate because a house divided against it’s self cannot stand, meaning two different belief systems cannot coexist together. That is the reason we have a split mind today.

After that the separation came and we have today the old and new testaments in the Bible, but also the New Testament by itself which replaced this “Jewish” Christian Bible. And today we have the New Age movement or spiritual brotherhood and many books about Jesus as well as from Jesus, the best being the U.B.; ACIM and Keys of Enoch, the older ones being the Aquarian Gospel and the Dead Sea Scrolls. And there are false ones out there too. I have a couple books of them. One is called Jmmanuel by Billy Meier and the Pleiades. The other one is called The Explorer Race and Jesus by Robert Shapiro which I don’t believe is anywhere near correct although I have many other books by him. But these are definitely false. They also have a false website called Jesus-Sananda _Esu Jmmanual Talmond. I believe it’s the same people of Meier and the false Pleiadians. They claim to worship a (false) God called Altun . Which could be the same fallen Paradise Son that is mentioned in the Key’s of Enoch.

Photo: Why Study The Urantia Book? This is an introduction to the *concept* of God, the intellectual understanding of his nature and the way its distribution and internal relationships constitute reality. This is different from our 'experience' of God, so why study this? In the contemporary world, knowledge is often viewed as a commodity, something to be acquired and "owned" like a material object. It is closely tied to economic success. From the perspective of The Urantia Book, knowledge is related to a grasp of meanings which is essential for a discovery of values. As we personalize the values we discover by integrating them into our interpersonal relationships, we then set the stage for a grasp of additional new meanings. The process continues and constitutes a mechanism of real growth. So what is the purpose of studying The Urantia Book? From the Introduction to Bill Sadler's A Study of the Master Universe: "The Urantia Book is not written like a textbook; it is written more like a symphony. Wonderful themes of concept and movements of unfolding truth appear and reappear as the long story unfolds. Parts of this story are very melodious. The melody develops with such appealing simplicity that the reader is held enthralled. The story of Jesus is like this, a beautiful story of a man among men who grew up to become a living revelation of God among men. We all love this story. "Some of the Papers in the book are not so easy to understand; the movements of the harmonies of truth are more complex; the melody is not so easy to grasp. But the beauty is still there, even though it is less obvious. It is necessary to study this material carefully in order to bring out the beauty of the complex melody movements in the Urantia Papers, Many of the Papers which seem to be complex, obscure, and "far away," are filled with exquisite movements of concept in the portraiture of living truth. And if the truth in the complex beauty of these passages can be grasped, then we might acquire a new horizon-line against which to evaluate the things of this life and this world - and then we could perceive these things with the greater insight of a new perspective, the most far-ranging perspective that our minds can grasp. "We are all a part of God's plans for the future. And these plans are so alive, so adventuresome, so challenging, and so beautiful that it does seem important we learn to appreciate, however dimly, that these plans do affect us. It is the magnitude and the complexity of God's challenge to us that obscures our comprehension of this challenge. It is the vastness of the unfolding adventure that makes it hard to understand. It is the endlessness of the eternal future that staggers our imaginations, And all of this is contained in the symphony of the concept of the master universe in the Urantia Book. God's plans are partially disclosed in the master universe. And if we can comprehend these plans just a little better, we may be intrigued, challenged, and even inspired by the grandeur of the magnificent adventure that is being offered to us. If, perchance, our study can bring God's plans just a little closer to our comprehension - closer to our feeling for the living truth of expanding growth, to the thrilling beauty of high adventure, and closer to the rewarding goodness of intelligent love - it will have been well worth the effort." Comments from The Urantia Book: [0:0.2] The revelators hope that this book will "expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception... " [115:2.2] "To the experiential universes even divine values are increased as actualities by enlarged comprehension of reality meanings." [196:3.1] "There are just three elements in universal reality.... We are in the habit of designating these realities as thing, meaning, and value." [100:1.3] "Real educational growth is indicated by enhancement of ideals, increased appreciation of values, new meanings of values, and augmented loyalty to supreme values." [100:3.6] "The association of actuals and potentials equals growth, the experiential realization of values. But growth is not mere progress. Progress is always meaningful, but it is relatively valueless without growth. The supreme value of human life consists in growth of values, progress in meanings, and realization of the cosmic interrelatedness of both of these experiences. And such an experience is the equivalent of God-consciousness. Such a mortal, while not supernatural, is truly becoming superhuman; an immortal soul is evolving. [101:1.3 ] "It is your thoughts, not your feelings, that lead you Godward. The divine nature may be perceived only with the eyes of the mind.... All such inner and spiritual communion is termed spiritual insight. Such religious experiences result from the impress made upon the mind of man by the combined operations of the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth as they function amid and upon the ideas, ideals, insights, and spirit strivings of the evolving sons of God." [156:5.2] "...the mind and morals of the individual are the soil from which these higher manifestations of human development and divine destiny must spring. The soil of the evolving soul is human and material, but the destiny of this combined creature of mind and spirit is spiritual and divine." [196:3.3] "The progressive comprehension of reality is the equivalent of approaching God." [196:3.10] "The human mind does not create real values; human experience does not yield universe insight. Concerning insight, the recognition of moral values and the discernment of spiritual meanings, all that the human mind can do is to discover, recognize, interpret, and choose. [196:3.14] "...Human survival is in great measure dependent on consecrating the human will to the choosing of those values selected by this spirit-value sorter--the indwelling interpreter and unifier. Personal religious experience consists in two phases: discovery in the human mind and revelation by the indwelling divine spirit." [13:4.4] "Physical authority, presence, and function are unvarying in all the universes, small or great. The differing factor in spiritual presence, or reaction, is the fluctuating differential in its recognition and reception by will creatures. Whereas the spiritual presence of absolute and existential Deity is in no manner whatever influenced by attitudes of loyalty or disloyalty on the part of created beings, at the same time it is true that the functioning presence of subabsolute and experiential Deity is definitely and directly influenced by the decisions, choices, and will-attitudes of such finite creature beings--by the loyalty and devotion of the individual being, planet, system, constellation, or universe. But this spiritual presence of divinity is not whimsical nor arbitrary; its experiential variance is inherent in the freewill endowment of personal creatures. [13:4.5] "The determiner of the differential of spiritual presence exists in your own hearts and minds and consists in the manner of your own choosing, in the decisions of your minds, and in the determination of your own wills. This differential is inherent in the freewill reactions of intelligent personal beings, beings whom the Universal Father has ordained shall exercise this liberty of choosing. And the Deities are ever true to the ebb and flow of their spirits in meeting and satisfying the conditions and demands of this differential of creature choice, now bestowing more of their presence in response to a sincere desire for the same and again withdrawing themselves from the scene as their creatures decide adversely in the exercise of their divinely bestowed freedom of choice. And thus does the spirit of divinity become humbly obedient to the choosing of the creatures of the realms." [56:6.3] "On any level of existence [the functional presence of] God cannot exceed the conceptual capacity of the beings who live on such a level."

The book I mentioned before, “The Urantia Book” is for the advanced, and the ACIM book is for those who have done there home work and wants to advance. While Jesus and Mastership and the Gospel according to Jesus of Nazareth by Jesus is a good starter book for those Christians just leaving the fold who desire to know more about him in a more modern context. Then we have the Personal Christ Series, channeled by Judith Coates easy lesions but I did have a few problems with it so I didn't finish them. And there is much more in many countries, especially the western English speaking countries.

The new Jesus movement is very strong. He builds on his old teachings with the same basic principles. He’s very personal and open to much interpretation and goes by many names. He also shares books with Ashtar (the fleet commander), Saint Francis who is Kutumi (an alien from another solar system whose people are nearing life and light), St. Germaine and Seth plus other saints and teachers . He says there are many other ascended “masters” down here beside him, so that even those who don’t believe in him can get the message. I myself have read many, many of these books and find they are all saying basically the same thing. We need to see the bigger picture if we are to stop the self destruction that’s now going on because of the former Lucifer rebellion (and split belief systems).

Photo: "Your message to the world shall be: Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and in finding these, all other things essential to eternal survival shall be secured therewith. And now would I make it plain to you that this kingdom of my Father will not come with an outward show of power or with unseemly demonstration. You are not to go hence in the proclamation of the kingdom, saying, `it is here' or `it is there,' for this kingdom of which you preach is God within you. "Whosoever would become great in my Father's kingdom shall become a minister to all; and whosoever would be first among you, let him become the server of his brethren. But when you are once truly received as citizens in the heavenly kingdom, you are no longer servants but sons, sons of the living God. And so shall this kingdom progress in the world until it shall break down every barrier and bring all men to know my Father and believe in the saving truth which I have come to declare. Even now is the kingdom at hand, and some of you will not die until you have seen the reign of God come in great power. And it will not be so much by the words you speak as by the lives you live that men will know you have been with me and have learned of the realities of the kingdom.

We need to clean up our act, to see all people no matter what race, color, creed, or religion as our brothers, that we are all one. We are a part of the large family of God (Brotherhood of God’s Kingdom) and he loves us dearly and wants us to survive and to do this. We need to “give and forgive,” be open minded and respect each others belief systems. Even among themselves the religions are fighting and pointing the finger. The biggest setback for Christians is that they have made a religion about Jesus the Christ and have forgotten the religion of Jesus by Jesus himself ! They are worshiping Jesus as God the Father(which is incorrect) and the only salvation through excepting Jesus and forgetting to teach his way to salvation; which of course is both believing and excepting Jesus “as the way” and living his teaching’s as the means to salvation.

Then walk in his foot steps to do and follow his example and teachings. The path to Becoming the Christ ourselves means to follow his example of Christ consciousness. The Church is also teaching a false doctrine of separation from God and. the fear of GOD, instead of the Love of GOD as a child of God. And that we are all one. We all come from the same God -Head. The same source and center and we all must return there someday ,the same as Jesus did. The old ways must change to make room for the new spiritual movement by Jesus himself ! The new concepts and religions are always born from the old ones everything is built upon each other; it seems that nothing else will work, and this is the way it’s always been done and probably will always be done.

I think the revolution really began to take off at the end of 2007, after Archangel Michael started the clean up. So we have lots of help, not only from Jesus himself but the past saints and divine masters of many religions have come back here to unify us including Krishna and the Buddha, Mohamed, Moses, plus many more. Most of these are ascended masters who have been around for a long time and have come here to help out in this special event. Some are even reincarnated into physical bodies here on earth now. Others are working from the other side of the veil and still others from other dimensions, some even from parallel worlds plus our space brothers in the earth, on the earth and over the earth. Everyone who is a spiritual warrior and our teachers are here to help us survive the end of an age and the beginning of a New Age.

So Jesus has not forgotten us or left us behind, and yes, the Christians were right. No one knows for sure when the return of Jesus- Michael the Christ manifested in person will be but I suspect it will be after the 2012 events take place, then he will come in full glory for all who is left as the Divine being. Jesus is now back and getting stronger and more support every day.

And since he is the leader of all the other spiritual teachers, no matter what religion they’re from, he’s uniting us by having already united the saints and deities who in turn helps us by their teachings to find what we have in common, not what we don’t have, to learn to see that we are all one. We have the same God and “father” who created us all. We’re called the Brotherhood. We have space brothers, angelic brothers, ascended brothers in the next life on the other side of the veil, inner and outer plus subterranean brothers. We all want mother earth, “Gaia,” to live, to survive also because our survival depends on hers. And we want to move into the next stage or level of life. We need each other to make this happen; this is called “The Great Dispensation”.

We need a spiritual world government (not an evil one) that will pull us all together, making governments, wars and religions, as we know them, a thing of the past. Everyone would have equal sharing in all of our needs. We all want basically the same things and all is given us equally. We need to know that we are not alone or separate from God. And we need to know that we are loved and that we will not die but continue our Christ existence in true spirit form in eternity to our home. To know our mission and purpose, the Divine Destiny and that we know all of these things as our truth in life.

A new Golden Age is coming if we follow our Christ Savior and open our hearts, we can be a part of it. It’s now or never. Jesus the Christ has shown us the way. He’s here now with us at the end of an age and beyond the end times. He won’t forsake us. Let us not forsake him. We need him more than ever in this Paradigm Shift of Consciousness, and Ascension ,we are all one.

The new spiritual world government that is soon to be created is called F.O.N. (Federation of Nations). But it will not happen until or after the birth of a new Earth or Earths, 2012 to2020.

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  • Wonderful pic, thanks FW. Good to see that you are still out there. I have had many strange responses by those who get paid by the DC on my blogs that I wrote about JC. I deleted most of them. Looks like now we are going in the right direction or at least I hope so. JC plays an important role in all that is happening now. We are one.Adonai

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