Joy and Bliss

"Utopia isn't Possible" says the conventional wisdom. Human beings are too flawed to enjoy a world of constant joy and happiness and they would end up getting bored and just kill each other for the hell of it.

Even in small new age communes that seek to live harmoniously, endless problems arise. Leadership problems, clashing egos, sexual jealousy, laziness, cleanliness. The list goes on. So perhaps those who say Utopia isn't possible have a point? But in fact what they are actually saying is that they can't be bothered to grow up and want to remain an adolescent forever never taking responsibility for their actions.

We as human beings have been gifted with a great gift, it is perhaps the greatest gift that we have. Our emotional body, our capacity to feel and to experience both positive and negative emotions. It is through our emotional body that we grow as Soul and Spirit. Without feeling there is no growth. Our capacity to feel is vast and we can feel the depths of darkest agony and the heights of Supreme bliss. The negative is also our teacher, it teaches us about the consequences of our actions, and how it FEELS. The negative also defines the positive so we have a frame of reference as to what feeling good actually is.

I often encounter people who tell me: "I feel like shit." or "I feel like shit all the time.". The way we feel is telling us something about our karma and also the state of our soul. But there is no judgement here, it is just a statement of fact. Also there is the fact that on this planet there are many bad energies around, low vibrations which feel pretty damn awful. This is telling us something about the collective karma of humanity. Feelings of Joy and Bliss if we experience them can seem rare and fleeting and this is true for even the most wealthy and famous people.

Some meditators can experience happiness by entering a trance or projecting themselves to the inner planes, the higher planes where there are infinite energies of Joy, Visions of wonder, and beauty untold that melts the heart with exquisite bliss. If you have the freedom of the higher planes in this way you are very fortunate. But all that inner bliss does exactly nothing for those who suffer here on Earth day to day. In other words unless you can bring back something of that Bliss you feel and share it with your fellow man, it is meaningless to the world. My point is we are looking for Joy and Bliss that everyone can experience in this world as opposed to the low energies and bad feelings that most suffer from.

As I have said there are infinite energies in subtle yet profound shades of enjoyment that we can experience with our emotional body. To bring heaven down to Earth is to allow just a tiny percent of the bliss of the higher planes to enter the world.

Darkness and negativity are our teachers, we encounter them all the time in our lives on this world, and essentially they are teaching us that if we wish to experience lasting Joy and Bliss we must confront our own inner negativity and recognize it for what it is, understand it's purpose and move beyond it. Once we do this we are free, we become mature and are able to experience the fruits of positivity, not in mindless ignorance but as mature Spirits who fully understand the purposes and uses of darkness and negativity. In such a state the negative powers have no influence over us, because we have already conquered them within our own heart.

When a small community or more is able to do this through Love and Wisdom this will spread throughout humanity who can then experience lasting Joy and Bliss and all the unending abundance and infinite beauty as real in our life and our feelings. We transform each other and the world. We create Heaven on Earth. Utopia fails because it is full of adolescents who fail to take responsibility for themselves. But a community of those who Love with Wisdom, free of attachment and Ego, who are at one with each other and the planet and in harmony with the Universe, will last in bliss and joy for all ages of the world.

The meditation: May all experience lasting bliss and joy.
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  • Thanks, great post. To get to joy and bliss one must be satisfied. To get satisfied one must love others as themselves.
  • thanks for your thoughts VioletRay, you make some very good points. I look forward to reading more.
  • Hi folks, Hi flashstorm, thanks for sharing your thoughts. You are touching on a subject that has been on my mind for awhile now and I plan to post my own topic about it, just for record sake. I'm sure many here have noticed that everyone has their own perspective of things based upon the information they receive, whether it's from the external world or our true selves. When one says, people need to take responsibility for themselves. This can have many different meanings and perspectives from people, in all respect of course, it is not specific enough for people to understand fully and leads to more confusion. It is akin to what people call stereotyping and degrades the perfection we all are. So if we are indeed all perfect, then what is the truth of the matter. It is what most seem hesitant to speak of, why this is the case, I have my thoughts about. It is very simple, the universe, just like this planet and all it's ecosystems that function as one harmonious and balanced system. There is absolutely nothing natural, that is out of balance in any way, including humans. So then what do we have left, the systems we have created that are in fact not natural. And as you may have guessed already, that is the system known as 'money'. I will explain further my thoughts in the topic I'll be making. However, in the meantime, I would like people to ponder this. What PREVENTS anyone, whether it be farmers from sharing freely all the food they could or a saint like landlord wanting to have tenants for free and those that claim to own the dirt/land, or anyone for that matter wishing to share their time and energy for free. I know this is obvious, but in fact, some will have different perceptions of what prevents ALL HUMANITY SHARING FREELY with one another. Though the truth is simple.
    peace love light
  • As within, so without. Once we heal our inner children and negative patterns we will stop subconsciously sabotaging ourselves because we attract everything in order to help us be balanced. The shadow only wants to integrate and lead us to our freedom. It really makes sense, once we conquer and take command over our own inner psychology then we will fulfill our potential to live in harmony and peace. Just a thought & thanks for the wonderful post.

    Love and Light!
  • I agree water Love, bliss, joy, peace, happiness are all around us and in every moment we just have to tune into them.
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