Judas Iscariot NEVER betrayed Jesus

Ok folks, this MIGHT bee a bit sencitive case for some but it is about time you will start to get the truth of Judas Iscariot.

Judas Iscariot was a wonderful and loyal friend to Jesus. He was among the most loyal of Jesuses disciples, he was like a brother to Jesus, that is how close they where. I can also inform you a bout one of the worlds biggest bullshit and lies created by the dark cabal, illuminati,elite my friends. I am aware that this can hit hard on some catolics, but this what I will tell you is the bitter truth....Everyone know that catolics gos after the gospils of Paul and everyone who has read pauls gospils probably remembers that is says that he met Jesus on the way to Damascus. That my friends is nothing more that pure bullshit, cause Jesus NEVER went there, EVER! What you also need to know about Paul is that he was a temple priest and not one of Jesuses disciples, and he never ever was! Ever wondered why catolics has called uss to heratics and tortured and killed thousands and thousands of christian protestants and other so called heretics that was not actolics...well now you know the bitter truth. Because the christian catholics are ruled by illuminati, dark cabal, elit priests. Every smart soul knoes that a true saint a true light beeing never kills enyone for greed, power among other things...Jesus was a true light beeing and so was even Ackenaton...they never kille a soul. They helped them in need etc and what did they get from that!? They got MURDERED!

Ok, now back to my Judas Iscariot! He was a wonderful soul, a loyal disciple and a loyal friend to Jesus, he was like a brother for him and stood by his side in wet and dry. He was a wonderfull husband and a very loving caring man...Yes folks...I was Mrs Iscariot, His wife....Yes, my twinflame was Judas Iscariot. I can even tell you how he truly looked like. He had darbrown eyes, blackbrown little wavy hair, longer than Jesus infact. You could say it stoped between the nipples and the shoulders. He had also beard...Not to long and not too short. He was for me, a very gordeous and handsome man, with a big heart and a very loving soul.

One thing you should know is that Jesus had two, I repeat, two disciples that was named Judas. The other Judas was a former temple priest. That Judas was not even a disciple, he was a new comer. Jesus had 12 disciples and with Judas nr 2 it became 13. But the fact is that the Judas nr two was not a evangelist at all. He did not even make gospels.

I remember this clearly like it was yesturday this happend, even if it is 2000 years ago now. I was inside the house tidying upp while my husband was outside doing some work. I suddenly heard a very intensive conversation between some men. I looked outside the window and I could see and hear my husband have some serious intensive discusion with 2 priests and with them was even two soldierd. I saw the one priest have a big pouch full with silver coins. They seem to try to bribe him with money! I could see my husband become very irritated and I could hear him pretty much YELLING at them "  I am not selling you my journals and I am NOT INTRESTED in you FILTHY MONEY! If
you think I would betray my friends THINK AGAIN!!!!!" He took the pouch witch was full of silver coins from the priests hand and threw it with force on the ground to show them what he TRULY thought of them. My husband knew exactly what kind of people they where. The priests got FURIOIUS and left with a promiceing word that Judas Iscariot
would pay for this by refusing to sell his gospels to them...They took the pouch with them befor they left! Few minutes Iscariot came storming into the house and I could see that he was furious and irritated. He went directly to get a galice of red wine. He stood infront of the fireplace with the back towards me. When he had been drinking half of the galice he loudly says with an irritation in his voice " Stupid IDIOTS!" I putted my hand on his shoulder in a try to calm my husband down. He sat down on a stool and took me in his lap. We snuggled and cuddled a little and he was back to his calm and happy selfe again...

I have allways loved to sit on my twinflames lap. It is the most comfortable and relaxing place I know of witch also brinds me lots of harmony to my soul.

The other Judas was not that difficult to bribe with a big pouch of silver coins. He was the one that betrayed Jesus  for his greed after a big pouch of money. He later hung himselfe out of quilt when he later realised who Jesus truly was.

Judas Iscariot continued to write his gospels and it became pretty meny I can tell you. He lived a happy long life with me and he left his old body piecfully to go to the astral world in wait to get reincarnated again. Judas Iscariot was 10 years older than me. I lived a nother 10 years before I joined him in the astral world in my wait to get reincarnated again.

Judas Iscariots gospels, including the gospels of Mary and Thomas is in good hands, FAR away from Dark Cabal, Illuminati, Elits filthy hands.

The other disciples gospels was taken by the dark cabal, illuminati, elit and they rewrote this gospels to their likings, the christian bible that we know to day. God knows what this bastards did to the real gospels. Would not bee at all supriced if they burned everything after they rewrote the gospels. It would not bee the first times they burn evidance and even books...

There you go folks, now you have the truth about Judas Iscariot.

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  • CaptainSayzarzillion:  Yes my beloved Judas Iscariot   never  cut enyones ear off! That is a big fat lie! He did not even   own  a sword! He was not even a soldier! He was just a simple farmer  and  did not own  a sword and even used voilance against enyone. It  is  heartbreaking when someone  throws pig shit on a blessed soul  like  his...specially to someone you love...

  • J.Griff: My friend Dark cabal, illuminati the Elit has excisted since the time of Atlantis. They have been around in 14000 years at least! So no my friend they have been around longer than the carolic church!

  • I could be wrong but I believe the Catholic church came before the illuminati/dark cabal. Therefore, what I read from Icke is that the church controls the dark cabal to some extent and was the first to begin deceiving man. The Vatican bank is the one that is filled with the most money. Perhaps you meant it that way. Just sayin...

  • Feather Winger: Thanks! I will take a closer look at my writings to morrow when It is lighter outside! I have no light working i n my livingroom. Also there is a nother piece of truth that I need to tell all about witch is from the time of King Arthur...

  • Yes, my english grammar is not the best I will have a check on the mispellings, my apology for that... I´l get on to it shortly my friend! :)

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