The moment you open to the possibility that adverse experiences are not yours, but your contribution toward a more evolved humanity, you begin to lighten the load of your energy field, releasing what was never evidence of who you are or aren’t, so you may welcome the joy of liberation far before the collective reflects it back.
The collective shifts as a result of a tipping point in consciousness. As your lifetime of healing is honored as your contribution toward tipping the collective scales into the vibration of unity consciousness, you can continue to uplift those around you without being weighed down by the emotional density that freely flows through you and returns to Source without having to get stuck orbiting your field.
Matt Kahn
When what you feel is not yours to chase away, but your ongoing opportunity to clear out global density by loving what arises, you become the first resident of your upgraded Earth plane. From this space, you freely and effortlessly shine your light in every direction to assist each innocent heart in finding their way home.