"We did not set the scene, but we are the messengers of peace and we are the instigator of world peace and we have the technology to serve mankind and walk and enforce the path of peace".
Very Interesting.........
........Read more here ------>http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/media-a-papers/keshe-news/330-the-world-peace-invitation-and-release-of-technology-the-2nd-international-presentation-how-to-become-axes-of-evil
Vagelis4VP, this is/was merely a tid-bit for humanity to ponder on the advances that we as humans have made without the help of an external force.....we truly are capable of fixing our own problems on this planet........if only the powers that be would permit the release of such technologies & take a dip in their profit margins then everyone on this planet would be happier for it!
It seems that militarism has just been rendered obsolete. Well this is welcome news.
..it is a another Great article from Keshe...
mostly for the unaware population, who dont know about these things, because they grow up watching mainstream media...