only those who are ready to walk trow hell and be still with no fear can bring
light to the world.
to find inner peace one must pratice love kindness and compasion.
remove your atachement from people and material thing of this world its only a
mirage nothing real.
pride destroy inner peace and boost your ego wich maintain you in fals reality.
your best insurance is kindness and love.
to see all as one is freedom.
they make you carry anger and hate toward your enemy the more you have anger and
hate the more it as the ability to control you.
be kind toward all pratice silence it is not our job to judge the reality of other.
focus only on what you want for you and the world.
know that you self its a mirror of the soul consciensciousness.
sickness is the result of trauma emotion and negative tought.
no event in your life is negative its only our perception.
to fail to see the divine harmony and to fail to realise we are the archithec of
our world and reality.
heal your consciensciouness and you will see that the earth is prestine.
the earth may look dark but it is fals the destruction of the earth reflect our own
darkeness and lack of consciensciouness.
everything is light energy and vibration.
you live in a world of shadow your incarnation here is to free your self from
contrast and only the hart as no polarity.
discover your unity with the divine know that it is imposible to manifest heaven on
earth with our mind the mind as polarity if you manifest your dream world with your
mind you will also manifest you own nightmare.
so if we manifest paradise with our mind we will enter hell if we try to manifest
hell on earth with our mind we will endup in cage in paradise.
your truth can only be share not defend.
if you speak your truth share it with opend mind if you are not ready to be ridicul
and atack.
when you speak truth the power that be will try to enslave you and put you under
belief control.
know that every new discovery put people out of teir confort zone.
often they discredit new science and keep their fals belive it procure them a fals
sense of security.
the truth alway have made people feel insecure if you want to win let people who
are asleep with teir belief dont argu they have the mass to suport them you dont.<
tel a vision, not television the telivison is a mind control beacause your mind is
people often say they wacth program they call it a program because they want you to
be program like the actor on tv.
the people in control fear the light so they codition you mind to fear what is
truth and project drama and gossip programation.
they only show you a limited reality know that their is so much more.
they know people try to copy the attitude of people who seem to be sucesfull by
society stadard know that the truth they want you to be powerless and miserable.
they dont want you to experience the totality of who you are.
who are you.
do you let culture define you know that culture is a tool of mass hipnosis.
you are not you name nor you body you are not the title of the work you do.
you are the totality of wich exist you have no beguining nor end life is a
continius stream of experience.
by no mean let people define who you are.
you are not trap by title nor label you can be everything you wish to become.
dont belive the label people put on you.
be free from fals indetity.
indentify you self with less have more freedom.
the one who dont question autority and accept blindly what the power told never
bring positive change.
you must obey you own consciensciousness not what society tell you.
misfit mystic sage scientist of all age aas defy the rule the belief and the norm
of society to bring positive change.
you will not find solution to the human problem within the legal parameter the
power that be forbide true knowledge and label as insane who tel the truth
time is a mental construction of the mind of the mass.
it only exist by the consent belief of the mass.
to control the mass their is nothing better that a clerical gouvernement who invent
a all powerfull god above human and make people feel inferior and belive they are
we live in a time where good people stay away from politic and popular religion
they have loose faith in those thing and loose hope in humanity.
all those politician who make you belive they will bring positive change 99% of the
time they lie and have doble talk how can they change the world if they are not
changing them self first and falow not spiritual wisdom.
how dump people are politician have double talk and are not condame they lie people
dont get upset buy re-elect them into power and cry of tyrany they promise peace
they brouth war and tyrany they make you look at a probaly none existant enemy
instead of facing the problem within the nation.
all nation who lost spiritual value is on the brick of anilation only the
restoration of the spiritual path can save the world.
what we need is mystic truth.
fear is the response to supertitious belief.
you are born with love you learn fear return to you true self wich is truth love
and kindness.
child at young age can feel axiety worry and anger of the people surending them.
psychiatry is the cause of pseudo science of eugenic and racist.
its a fake science.
a industry of death,
iam slave of psychiatry and need help
the doctor who put me on medication is betrand major the one who try to keep me
slave for ever is philipe cassant from chrdl of joliette 450-759-8222
their drug damage my brain and my pineal glad a need a spiritual doctor,
psychiatry is a tool of mind control for the elite
its a fraud.
psychiatry is politic the use of force against consent after they are in charge.
psychiatrist shall be send to falung gong boot camp.
know that psychiatry is everything but medecine.
real medecine is holistic.
adhd is a scam genius see the scam of the school system einstein and tesla hate it
the schooling of their time wich they percive to be a mass mind control system more
that education.
they have powerfull technic at making you belief you are sick and powerless they
scrap the live of million people instead of empowering and heal people.
a utopia is coming to earth but christian,catholic,satanist , luciferian, jew,
muslim, and atheist are exculde from the coming paradise.
all reader of koran , bible , and tora are exclude
want truth learn from krishna, boudha , reiki , qi-gong , yoga , shaman, holistic
praticioner, falung-gong ,seth material, blavassky visnu , brama
learn from greeg braden, mitchel gibson , sonia barrett , tony samara , gerald
o`donnell , caroline myss , bruce lipton
read book write by carl jung , vernon howard , jane robert ,
if you want me to belive in psychiatry show me scientific truth
let science and spirituality speak iam a mystic