Kuan Yin addressing the January 26, 2010 teleconference:

"Beloved Family, it is I, Kuan Yin. I bring with me and I greet you in the loving energies of compassion, with the highest energies of love and giving and forgiveness. Yes, there is grand cleansing going on, and yet it is a time of great joy, if you will lift up your hearts and send your loving compassionate energy to all of those places in the world which are open now to receive the light and who request even more. So I asked that we come together in a joyful kind of sharing in the high frequencies of love, compassion, forgiveness and yes, gratitude. We are so grateful to all of you for being with us at this time, for being with us with your hearts open and your willingness to share so beautifully.

"So let us join our lights together, let us rise together and let us view the planet. There is a way of doing so which perhaps would be the easy way, or the most graceful way and that is, let us all enter into that elevator of crystal. Each one of us has that capability. Just be sure that you leave room for your wondrous guides. Let's all journey together to a place which is high above Planet Earth. Now it is easy, is it not, to see the bright spots, to see the lights, to see the hearts which are lit in absolute highest of joys and love? Let us send love greetings to them and invite them, all of those hearts to join with us now in this exercise of Love.

"Allow yourselves to view the entire planet of Earth and just see how brightly it shines. Focus upon the lights, and as you issue the invitation from your heart to the hearts all over the world, see how the lights respond by getting even brighter, even more radiant. And now, look outward from Planet Earth and see the stars and the planets shining radiantly and the moons and the suns. Start with those closest to you, and see them shining and inviting all of those planets and suns and stars and moons to join in this great light of Love, this great light of Compassion, this great light of Giving and let the radiance come and join with yours. Go as far out in the universe as you wish, there is no time, there is no limitation on where you can go. Perhaps you will see the planet or star planet of your origin. Greet, greet your family there and invite them to join with you. Take a moment to thank all who join in with this group, this group of infinite numbers indeed. And let the light beams be directed once more to Planet Earth, and when you are ready, come back and view the planet again and see how much brighter it shines even now.

"And while you are focusing upon Planet Earth assure all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia below, on and above the planet, the plants, the flowers, the minerals, the crystals and of course, the beloved animals. Invite them to join in this great shining, this great gathering of the beams of love. And now broaden your gaze if you will, feel the warmth of all of this wondrous love light. And now ask to see revealed any place on the planet, any place at all where there might be a dark spot or a dimmer light, and pause there, and invite this infinite company of light beamers to shine upon that spot, and keep your focus there until you see it brighter, brighter, brighter.

"Oh Beloveds, it is so beautiful to be together in this company. It is so radiant to see the entire planet light up everywhere you focus, everywhere you are drawn, be it a country, be it a single individual. Shine your lights, the lights of love, the lights of compassion, yes, the lights of forgiveness, every place where it is dark or dim, and the lights of gratitude and thanks that we are together, and that we are making such a difference for the planet. Be one with the light. Allow it to come into your own blessed beloved beings. Open your hearts even more and let it shine, let its feelings flow through you, let it caress you in all of your being, let yourselves be radiant with this light of love. You are so blessed, you are so thanked and you are so appreciated for your service, and we tell you, Beloved Ones, that you shine even brighter now than when you began this exercise of compassionate sending of love.

"Find children who have no homes, no food, no parents. Shine the love on them and let them know that the Lightworkers are their parents now, that they are perfect children of God and that they are loved and protected. Find the animals who have lost their homes, the baby ones who have lost their parents, the old ones, and shine your love lights on them and let them know that they too have a place on Planet Earth and that they are honored for being here. Visit the plant kingdom and let them know how grateful you are for the beauty and the nourishment and the nurturing that they give. Hug the trees and light them up, and thank the crystals and all of the mineral kingdom for lending their energies and for being such beautiful communicators and transmitters of the energies of love and light. Embrace the entire planet with your love lights Beloved Ones, even as you embrace all members of the human kingdom, all members of family and your most sacred, divine and glorious selves.

"All is well upon the planet and all is well in the universe and the planet stands ready to take its place in the councils of the solar system and the galaxy. All is in readiness, it just needs the constancy of your love, your radiance, and all that you have waited for and all that you have hoped for. Call it forth, welcome the Golden Age coming, ordained and very much alive on Planet Earth.

"Thank you, Beloved Ones, for participating with us in this message, in this giving, and yes, in this receiving. I, Kuan Yin, stand before you loving beings and my heart overflows with the joy and the radiance of your love. Indeed this entire company that you welcomed so beautifully into your hearts is here in thanks and gratitude to all of you. Feel the love of this company - you all deserve it more than words can say, infinite love, infinite gratitude. Feel the love of your own guides with you, feel the love of this company, feel the roses offered to you by Mother Mary and take them joyfully into your hearts and most of all feel the love of each other, traveling worldwide in this company, in this gathering, and know how loved, how appreciated and how connected we all are in the oneness of our divinity. Breathe in the love, breathe in the joy. Express from your compassionate hearts and always welcome the love into your own being, even as you send it out. And so it is, Beloved Family, I, Kuan Yin, thank you on behalf of all gathered here. And so it is. Namaste."

Transcript by Deborah Urquhart
© Susan Leland 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.


We have been informed that this conference call will include a special exercise bringing forth PEACE and calling for all soldiers to return home. This will be anchoring PEACE on Earth for all of her Kingdoms.

In order to make this as powerful as possible, you are requested to invite as many friends and family to participate with you in your home on the call, as any number can gather around your speaker phone for the price of one registration. This also builds community more empowerment.

Special Request:

Bring to the Call a representation of the other Kingdoms: pets, plants and crystals are particularly invited to be present during the call, this blessing will be felt by every living being in other dimensions as well. Bring a picture of an Elephant, Dolphin, Fairy, Ascended Master, a departed loved one.. We are anchoring Peace together. Sekhmet said that even one dog who hears the call will convey this to all dogs on the planet and the crystals will serve to amplify the energies to all.

Special music will be empowering and uplifting all who participate.

We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar teleconference Tuesday, February 9th, 2010. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PST and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara,Rama & Beth of www.GalacticRoundtable.com , a preview of Meg Hoopes' www.SpiritedClearings.com February 10th call, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.

Please register here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/2108034.htm or click on 'Conference Calls' here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/productsservices.html
All information about the call including the pin number will be sent to you after you register.

We've had a couple of reports of problems accessing our website or our registration link. If you have had a problem, please email ashtarontheroad@aol.com and let us know. You can always email us to let us know you are snail-mailing a check payable to Susan Leland, 1215 S.Kihei Rd. Ste.O, Box 819, Kihei HI 96753.

We remind you of our Joyful Awakenings Yahoo Group where you can share your wonderful Beyond 3D experiences! Please join us and share:

We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you.

Namaste, Susan, Fran & Elise

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  • oh... how beautiful-my gratitude-always-love....g.
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