Portia is preparing herself to become the new World Mother. The present World Mother, called Mary is holding the office together with Kwan Yin. (Kwan Yin chiefly for the East). A new outpouring from the Holy Spirit through Ray 7 will manifest as a light violet energy, empowering the feminine aspect.
Lady Master Portia says . . .
What comes as the banter of mind comes to tease and tempt you, not to guide you.
What comes from your inner, higher consciousness must be chosen over the mind's concepts.
What comes from your inner, higher consciousness must be chosen over the mind's concepts.
Welcome and blessings, Lady Master Portia. May we all benefit from your mastery of the Violet Ray and it's trasnmutation of all our fears and discordant energies and may Devine Justice and Liberty shine bright on Terra and all in this universe. Thank You from the heart