this is find most facinating!
how is it that when around certain culture's of spiritual people i write thier language, i mean i think i'm getting in touch with my past life (on of the first!) where i was a priest and translator of many language's!
my point being when speaking to someone i'm closely connected to the symbols i write often find themselve's being written in thier native tongue,i may not have ever seen these writings but i can write them never the less!
wich brings me to my second point, this NEVER happens to just anybody!
i have to have a powerfull bond with someone for this event to occur unless i create a temperary bridge between me and that person and even then i need thier permission and to get thier permission i have to explain what i'm doing!
now i'm pretty sure both Anush, Reiz and Rea did NOT give me permission to poke around in thier souls and listen to them and learn thier deepest darkest secrets, in actual fact i don't have this information for the simple fact that they haven't givin me permission and i have no place to ask nor reason!
so main point (ending argument) what exactly is my part in all this with all of you lot?
Reiz, Rea, Anush and even half the other one's (un-labeled incl) understand or recognise my writings and symbols!
probably didn't i have no idea i just know that i know you from a past life and that just like Anush, Rea and Reiz you where somehow apart of the battle/s, i would like to find this all out, if things go as planned i'm about to embark on a mass journey to find myself, i actually mean litral physical travel and see every elder i know and every elder and spiritualist inbetween :D
maybe even anush :D
Uhm... to answer your question, We don't know yet. We don't even know what part we are playing yet. So... well, maybe Anush a little, but she's not gonna tell unless it needs to be told.
But... wait, when did I understand or recognize a symbol?