Last Three Months of 2019 -

BY Denise Le Fay 

OCTOBER 22, 2019


When I write the words embody or embodiment in lower case I mean one thing. When I write Embody,  Embodiment and Embodiment Process capitalized I mean something different.
Lower case embody is what all individuals repeatedly experience that are living the Ascension Process and automatically embodying the evolutionary Light energies, NEW codes and more NEW DNA continually at higher and higher levels and larger and larger amounts over the weeks, months and years in their physical body during the Ascension Process.

When I capitalize the words Embody and Embodiment Process I do so to indicate the people that have been living the Ascension Process and embodying, but who’ve also chosen to Embody their Higher Self/Selves/Soul into their current physical body and self during the Ascension Process as well.
Because there’s some confusion over the Embodiment Process, I’m going to explain more about it from my perspective. I will do so as I do with everything I write about, from my personal experiences, memories and Higher Awareness to date.
It’s taken the First Everythingers these past two decades of linear time to incrementally embody (lower case) the incrementally delivered NEW Light, energies, codes and so on. The Ascension Process has HAD to unfold slowly like this otherwise it would have destroyed our physical bodies, minds and psyches if too much higher frequency Light had been delivered all at once. Because of this the Ascension Process had been an ongoing set of energy stair-steps we’ve been incrementally embodying for two decades and counting.
The Embodiment Process (capitalized) has basically been the same thing for the very same reasons. We’ve never been soul-less in these lives nor have we been Higher Self-less either, but, how much of our individual Souls and Higher Self/Selves we could safely cope with from having a direct and conscious line to while in our present physical bodies is another story.
The more Light and NEW energies etc. we’ve embodied over these ascension decades, the more of our Higher Self/Selves and Soul we’ve been incrementally capable of coping with an incrementally increasing way through what’s being called the Embodiment Process. Said very simply, one side effect of embodying more and more and higher and higher Light etc. into your ascending physical body means you are increasingly aligning vibrationally, energetically with your Soul/Higher Self/Selves. The more you and your physical body physically and energetically evolve and “ascend”, the greater and greater this energetic alignment between physical incarnate you becomes with your Soul and Higher Self/Selves in this direct and conscious way.
We’ve always had a very small amount of our Soul and Higher Self/Selves connected to us, us to them in these current physical bodies because life in physicality could not be sustained otherwise. We’d die physically without that mandatory tiny organic lifeline to our Soul and Higher Self. In old lower frequency 3D life and reality that was all anyone had and it was the “norm”.  Not so however with the current evolution.
Due to the Ascension Process we’re living in these lifetimes, the option exists for those who want to go that extra mile so to speak and Embody greater and higher frequency Light energies. Doing that incrementally over the past two decades increases and raises ones energetic tolerance and expands their frequency range in their physical ascending bodies to such a degree that the Soul and Higher Self energy line to the physical body and incarnate self becomes entirely undiminished and maximal. That is what the Embodiment Process is and what it produces in those willing to go that extra mile.
Before the Ascension and Embodiment Process you were living with and barely surviving on the equivalent of say, only one spark plug to run your body vehicle, and only one little bar to phone and talk to HOME with. Once your Embodiment Process reaches a certain level—which is exactly what’s happening to many of us during these last three months of 2019—you’ll be running on unlimited spark plugs and unlimited bars! You will have evolved, expanded and dramatically increased your vibrational capacity to co-exist in your physical body in this direct, conscious, undiminished way with your Soul and Higher Self/Selves and not drop dead from! Now there’s something to write HOME about! HOME is well-aware of what you, me, we are up to with our individual Embodiment Processes and there’s excited preparations unfolding because of the profound improvements this will further cause everywhere.
The Volunteer First Everythingers or the First Wave group as they’ve been called, the Second Wave group, the Third Wave group and so on have been embodying since the start of their physical level Ascension Process. Not all of them however have chosen to also go through the Embodiment Process and currently reach full energetic, vibrational alignment range with their Higher Self/Selves/Soul and their current physical body and self at this time. The Embodiment Process option exists for everyone but not all have, have yet, or will take it on in this lifetime of ascension. This is a Higher Self/Selves/Soul pre-incarnational choice.
The Last 3 Months of 2019

The last three months of every one of these ascension years is extra important because they’re not only completing an entire year’s energies, levels and phases, but they’re the final three (triality, trinity) months where we’re more intensely pressured energetically to step-up, to rise up to the higher frequency energies we’ll enter on January of the New Year. The last three months of every ascension year are more intense because we’re completing a year’s worth of specific ascension energies, embodiment, Embodiment Process, energy Work and Missions and preparing for the powerful year-end trinity stair-step shifts to a higher frequency platform and phase of the upcoming New Year.
These last three months of grueling 2019 are different from all previous ones however. These last three months of 2019, including the day-specific 10-10 energies of October 10th, 11-11 energies of November 11th, and the 12-12 energies of December 12th are the last ones we’ll experience. We no longer need these specific last three October 10-10, November 11-11 and December 12-12 energy gateways because 2019 is depositing us in a very different NEW higher frequency and level of the Ascension Process. The rest of this will be fully activated physically January 2020 for mass humanity, which is why the entire year of 2019 was so difficult and still is for most First Everythingers. As we always do we energetically Pathpave and Bridge, with and through our bodies, the way for humanity coming up behind us.
There’s so much completion during these last three months of 2019. We’re currently at the energetic threshold between where we have been within the Ascension Process since 1998–1999, and where we’re about to start anew with it in January 2020.
The First Everythingers will feel this change in very different ways than how the unaware humans who’ll be energetically activated in October–December 2019 to BEGIN their Ascension Process. Think of this as the first group of unaware humans to start the Ascension Process. They are not Volunteers, they are the first group of unaware humans to start the Ascension Process and this will unfold for more and more unaware people throughout 2020. What we Volunteer First Everythingers energetically embodied, Pathpaved and anchored into ourselves, our bodies and Earth is only now STARTING to be used by this small first group of unaware humans. Not complaining here, just pointing this long-awaited event out.  This is an obviously very big deal for each of them, but it’s also a huge change for each of us as well. Because of this we’re currently being freed-up from what we have been doing so we can now BEGIN our next higher levels of experiences, growth, Service, Work and so on.
And If You’re A Sensitive, Empath…
If you’re able to emotionally, etherically, energetically and physically FEEL other people’s energies and emotions because you’re a Sensitive / Empath, then you don’t need me to tell you that growing numbers of unaware people are currently spewing profuse amounts of fear, anger, hatred, confusion, shock, disbelief, panic, distrust, hopelessness and being all done with the old patriarchal everything, not that they even know that’s what it is. As miserable as it is for them to feel this way about current reality, and, how miserable it is for we Sensitives and Empaths to feel them and what they’re feeling now, having some of them finally reach the all done with level is a huge positive because it means they’re ready to evolve, “ascend”, “shift” up into a NEW higher way, not that they’re conscious of this either. Doesn’t matter, only that more and more unaware humans are ready to try something NEW and differentBecause of this, more and more of the unaware humans are and will be triggered to BEGIN the Ascension Process now which is how they’re going to gain NEW higher ways of living on Earth and existing in their bodies and evolving consciousness.
On the other hand—sorry, it’s still present for the time being—are those people who continue to be entrenched in the old negative inorganic patriarchal everything, and the majority of them aren’t aware of this either. They just are where they are, believe what they believe, feel what they feel and don’t see or feel any reason to change anything at all.
I Know You’re Battle Weary But…
I know we’re all battle weary and the last thing we want to have to contend with now are Portal People, those mostly but not all unaware people who exist in old lower matching frequencies and range with nonphysical Team Dark aliens and entities etc. Because of the accelerated Separation of Worlds & Timelines shifts happening all year, and, because many of us are currently completing the last stages of our Embodiment Process during the last three months of 2019, more Portal People are been used, manipulated and directed to interfere and do harm in any ways possible to those of the Light.
Also, some Portal People are now being used to, in any way possible, get whoever they can from those first main three ascension Groups (which is about 98% of you reading this) to physically move, physically relocate, to go elsewhere for whatever the reasons. In many cases, not all but many, the Portal People are being directed and used by the negative unseen beings to get us to change timelines by trying to get us to physically move to another place, house, apartment, city, state, country, job and so on. This one is a new Team Dark tactic to me but it’s been happening to more of us this year and even more so right now.
Be aware, discern, pay attention everyone because humanity is under attack because so much is ending, changing and disappearing permanently right now and much more so throughout 2020. Because of all this Team Dark is stockpiling food and fuel supplies for themselves, which unfortunately still is energy producing humans, both aware humans and unaware humans. This is the final battle and Team Dark is frantic and are using some new tactics to preserve themselves. Do not be duped by anyone or anything now and that includes ascension teachers, spiritual teachers, spiritual people etc. Some have made abrupt 90 degree turns recently which indicates they’ve changed timelines for better or worse. That’s their business but pay attention people, be smart, wise, strong, sovereign and discerning at all times no matter how exhausted you are.
Did any of you honestly think or expect that Team Dark would just accept the Ascension Process and Lightworkers etc. transmuting, embodying and Embodying and Pathpaving and that there would be zero push-back or repercussions from them because of all this? I know how much I no longer want to deal with any of this ancient negativity, and we’re closer now than ever before with it being so. But, until we’re there, the negative unseen ones have been and will continue manipulating and using unaware low frequency, low consciousness people—Portal People—to attack, interfere with, derail, sidetrack, harass, confuse and exhaust  those of the Light and Working with the Light. 2019 has been one after another after another of these intentional negative attacks through low frequency, low consciousness human Portal People to harm those of us doing our parts with the Ascension Process at this critical shifting point. The split is happening and the increase of Portal People attacks on us, nightmares for everyone, etheric attacks, etheric manifestations in the physical etc. in 2019 are part of it all so always be aware of the larger picture. Things have been and will continue to change dramatically from here on out, and because of this, Team Dark is doing whatever they can to continue existing as they have no matter who or what they have to use and/or destroy to do so.
The Embodiment Process Is Profoundly Personal & Indescribable
On a Lighter note. For many of the past ascension years I was concerned about how I’d handle what I’d feel coming from the human masses once we reached the point we have now within the Ascension Process. I have to say that it’s nothing like what I thought it would be ten, fifteen years ago. The Embodiment Process is the cause of that within myself, and as it continues to vibrationally expand, increase, uplift and align more and more of ME with Denise me and vice versa depending on ones perspective, it’s obviously changing everything both internally and externally.
The old ways and consciousness do not work in these NEW higher Light energies, NEW codes, NEW DNA, Embodiment and so on. We all find ourselves with some of our habitual old expectations that we’ve projected on to the ascended NEW both internally and externally, both personally and collectively. That’s just us growing and learning more, evolving and Embodying more. Over time one discovers that things are very different from what you had previously thought, believed or expected. With some more wisdom gained you continue surrendering, heartily finally, to your sacred personal Embodiment Process because you know IT knows exactly what IT’s doing. All you need do is clean out your basement some more to make more room for IT to move in permanently.
Every time we experience a change in Earth’s magnetic field, and within our bodies, I’m often affected by that emotionally and get weepy over simple things and sometimes things that normally would never cause me to tear-up. But when the magnetics are all over the place, human emotions usuallu are too.
Over the past few years of my Embodiment Process I’ve repeatedly experienced this unusual series of events within my physical body and my being. At first I couldn’t tell if it was these old familiar magnetic changes but the more I experienced this I became increasingly conscious that there was a clear Process happening within me that often would cause me to tear-up and weep gently without any emotions causing this whatsoever. In other words, I’ve often discovered my body “crying tears” and it was like I’d been left out of what caused it. It’s a rather strange sensation to find ones body weeping gently like a reaction to something and not because of any emotion.
Throughout much of incredible, monumental, please Divine Source never again 2019, I’ve become consciously aware of the unique Process of more NEW Light energies, codes and DNA being embodied and activated in my physical body and how that in turn would cause this second “phenomena” to happen simultaneously. That second “phenomena” being the Embodiment Process and another incremental part of my Higher Self/Selves/Soul connecting with Denise and her physical body.
Every time the Embodiment Process has happened incrementally throughout 2019, I’ve been able to better observe this Process while it was taking place in my physical body, consciousness and self. Needless to say, it’s a strange sensation and nothing like what I, and I suspect most of us expected the Embodiment Process to look and feel like.
Most recently during another of the now nearly constant Light energies coming in, I experienced what’s become fairly common for my physical body every time more Diamond Light energies arrive. They make my head, skull and sometimes eyes hurt and Pituitary (behind our eyes) expand with pains in my head and on my skull that move around during the days these energies are pouring in. I can See them enter the area above my physical head, then enter my head, and usually but not always further evolve my Pineal gland. This often causes more visions, usually of some of these NEW codes and other Light energies and/or blurred physical vision.
While I’m suffering these head, skull, eye pains and pressures (and other pains like body aches, severe belly and diaphragm bloat etc.), I’ll become aware that my body is gently weeping and tears are rolling down my face. When this happens I’m usually mildly surprised because I wasn’t feeling anything emotional that would cause me to tear-up. When I pull back a bit to figure out why my body, not me but my body, was reacting to these energies by gently weeping, each time I discover another incremental  connection, alignment and more direct reunification with my Higher Self/Selves/Soul has taken place and that Embodiment Process often causes my physical body to gently weep tears of expansion and complete surrender. I’m not doing this weeping, my physical body is, and that’s been a strange discovery for me. We’re still very much in the midst of our personal evolutionary game of musical chairs!
It’s like some kind of Divine LOVE-making just happened within my physical body and “I’m” late to that party! Doesn’t matter, only that this Embodiment Process continues, accelerates and expands constantly. Lay back, open your HighHeart wider, deeper and farther and observe what’s happening to, in and through you and You and YOU now and all the improvements that’s producing. It’s amazing and it’s accelerated tremendously because we’ve reached the last three months of 2019 where some complete their personal Embodiment Process and get shifted into the next NEW higher level and creativity. Think of this shift as the completion of and graduation from the past twenty ascension years up into the next higher level for each of us in the NEW of 2020.

October 22, 2019

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
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