At this time, we wish to speak on the reason for your incarnation in this lifetime. Deep inside your heart is the spark of Creator, who wants to experience expansion. The way expansion takes place is when consciousness is in an environment that allows for desire to spring forth. In other words, when you, as the expression of Creator, are experiencing your life in this incarnation, you constantly deciding if you are enjoying or not enjoying an experience. When you are enjoying an experience, you'll want more of it. When you are not enjoying an experience, you'll want the opposite of it. Either way, your desire of a certain experience creates a new reality. This new reality adds to the expansion to the existence of All That Is. All That is includes your entire Universe, Multiverse and beyond. Creator is All That Is. That means that everything and All That Is is an expression of Creator. What does that mean for your daily life? Everything in your life is just an experience. Pleasant or unpleasant. It is simply an environment for expansion. When you begin to relax into the knowing that it is just an experience, you can begin to choose what kind of experience and reality you wish to focus on. It is your undivided attention to pleasant experiences that will create more of it. It is your undivided attention to unpleasant experiences that will create more of it. That places you in a position of inner strength and creatorship. You are the expression of Creator in every moment and therefore you have the choice of what you wish to create. |
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones. Welcome Home. We are walking beside you, every step of the way. Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always. I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth. ~~~~~ Thank you, Archangel Michael! |