This is taken off my website right after I finished my latest journey.
(5 days ago, the 19th of May, 2011)
I did some lightworking journing tonight with shapeshifter's dna music off the page and site. There is no more need to worldly family, relationships or places of need like a home for many years. There are destructive items coming soon that may make people want to move if they are not supposed to be part of the clean up crew.
My evolution has moved the energy vampire away from me, and the need for those kinds of sites and people, as well as shamanic things. The correct term for me now is once again Lightworker. I am now a daeva and no longer deal with darkness energies at all it is very dense, I am a very light gray, moving up into blues and greens and golds, oranges and yellows.
I can no longer stand stressful negative people or environments. I must move out and away from them into cleansing motivating moments of meditation and silence, and humility.
Changes are coming people. If you have not prepared yet its going to scare most of you and make you sick.
UPDATE: Today has been a heartwrenching day. NO sleep, can't eat very much, lost a ton of weight, my guides are gone from me they led me completely astray. I just can't do it anymore i said. So I became a darkworker and an athetist. It may sound extreme in some way but you have to look at it from a non humanoid standpoint. You can't keep plowing a field thats not good for planting food, you have to plant food where the soil is moist and fertile.
Sometimes, when one is darker than others, the light is just not that good to be in. WE must be real and comfortable with where we are, we can't just keep doing that thing because its what is talked about.