by April Bender
Fellow Warriors of Light have written in recently expressing an interest in learning how to better communicate with their own Higher Selves. I highly applaud these inquiries, as learning to commune with your Higher Self (HS) is the most important thing you can do for personal soul growth and development.
While I can't give anyone a "sure-fire" technique or way to connect with their HS, I can easily share with those who are interested, what has worked well for me over the years. But first, a little background information. . .
What/Who is my Higher Self?
First, know that you do already hear from your HS on a daily basis but probably don't realize or consciously register it as such.
In the most basic (awareness/mindfulness) sense, Higher Self is the fair-witnessing or objective mind, that space of stillness and non-judgement that SEES the entire picture/landscape of any given situation without attachment - as it simply IS. It is the YOU that can step "outside" of all earthly roles, masks, and dramas - who simply watches, observes, SEES or acknowledges without judgement of - what IS. Therefore, it is also the YOU that exists outside of time/space that SEES and UNDERSTANDS the larger patterns of Life - the many cycles and seasons, the ebb and flow of the tides, etc...
In a deeper (heart-based) sense, your Higher Self is that small voice in your head or heart that knows the difference between "right" and "wrong" and encourages you to do the "right" thing. It's that internal tug of compassion or righteousness that tells you to forgive or make amends with someone despite the fact, that they have wronged you. HS is also your inner truth meter and where your sense of "intuition" originates from. It is the voice, or part of you, that when you're sitting alone and quiet - "knows" when a loved one is about to call or stop by. It is the YOU that then receives them with your gifts of Love, Wisdom, Compassion, Generosity, and Non-judgment. HS is also that part of you, which responds to the cries of another in need or to those who are suffering. Therefore, encompassing all these descriptions - Higher Self is the "angel of your better nature," and/or Your Ultimate Divine Expression of LOVE.
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