September 9, 2017 By Steve Beckow
Lee Degani and her husband are leaders of a Jewish congregation in Boca Raton, FL.
I’ve asked Lee if she’ll send us reports of the passage of Hurricane Irma over her area of Florida. This report she posted on her blog. More will follow.
From Connection to Healing, Sept. 8, 2017
Dear God, It’s me, Lee.
I know You still remember how you protected my family during Hurricane Andrew in Miami. The four blocks around our condo in Miami had no damage. Everywhere else was devastation…
And then there were those two major hurricanes 11 and 12 years ago. What were their names? Remember how You made sure my house was one of the few that had no damage? I didn’t even have shutters! Okay, I had some roof damage but insurance helped me get a new roof! And both times our neighborhood was among the first to get back power, all within just a few days. Some neighborhoods had no power for weeks…
You already know what this is all about God, since here in Boca Raton, FL we are right in the direct path of Hurricane Irma. So Please God, protect us, ALL of us! Protect my family, my house, my neighborhood, my congregation, my community, all Beings including all animals that are in the path.
And yes, I know I have to do my part. For we are Co-Creators. Your Divine Light is within me. When I am in Sacred Partnership with You, I have the power to create miracles!
And when many of us come together with the same intentions, our prayers do truly manifest! You have brought these truths to us in all of the religions, in all the spiritual teachings, it is within the deepest knowingness of each one of us…
Therefore, God, I am continuing to do the following meditation/prayer sessions and I am also sharing this publicly for those called to join Us:
I am setting the intention to join all those of the highest vibration who are creating a Divine Quantum Field to calm down Hurricane Irma and move her away from land.
I am setting the intention to join all those of the highest vibration who are creating a Divine Quantum Field to protect all in the path of Hurricane Irma.
I am calling to the archangels, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabriel to bring their sacred energy. I am calling to my guides, teachers and guardian angels to bring their sacred energy.
I am feeling my feet on the floor to make sure I am grounded to Mother Earth. I am taking deep breaths to bring me to a relaxed meditative state.
I am connecting with my heart by focusing on that which makes my heart feel full and fills it with Love. Today it is my children….
I am now expanding this Love that is within my heart. I am feeling it fill up my entire being and expand out into the room.
I am now sending this Powerful Love energy into the eye of Hurricane Irma. I am visualizing her calming down and moving away from land.
I am now using this Powerful Love energy to create pink pyramids of Light reinforced with titanium. I am placing within the pyramids, my home, my families’ homes, my congregants’ homes, my neighborhoods’ homes and beyond. I am visualizing how we are all protected. I am visualizing and feeling how each one of us now feels Peace within. I will continue to work with this each meditation/prayer session.
I am now feeling the Joy and Love within me that this Now has all come to be!
I am expressing the deepest gratitude to be in Sacred Partnership with You, God. Thank you for this blessing that I may be of service.
I am expressing the deepest gratitude to any of you Dear Readers who feel called to join in any way, whether it is following my example, using your own method or just sending out a prayer….
All are Sacred and received with the utmost gratitude!
God, I just have one more request/prayer. May we all all begin to understand how Powerful we are! For You have created us as Beings of Love. And with Love, all is possible…
Love, Lee
Lee Degani: Dear God, It’s me, Lee – Part 2
September 10, 2017 By Steve Beckow
Lee Degani includes us in her diary entries from Sept. 4 to Sept. 9, as she prepares for Hurricane Irma, now moving further west in Florida.
Monday early am, Sept, 4, 2017
Another crazy night! I wake up at 1:30 a.m. and can only cry on and off for hours. Sometimes my body is shaking. Am I processing something? But there are no answers, only that it has to do with fear. I just let it flow through me.
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017
The hurricane news is now serious. Irma is due to hit us Saturday! My guidance tells me we are going to need to protect our house for this one. Now I understand why I cried the night before. The fear has to do with the hurricane!
There is such chaos and fear everywhere! No water or batteries in stores, bread gone, long lines at gas stations. Plywood is very difficult to come by and only 10 pieces are allowed per person. I am having difficulty staying peaceful and not being affected by the energies!
Wed. Sept. 6, 2017
David and I are now in full hurricane prep. mode and know we have to do whatever is needed to navigate the system. The hurricane shutters we ordered over a month ago are delayed at the factory so this means each of us getting plywood so we have enough. We set the intention everything will go smoothly and easily and it mostly does! Even though we have to wait hours in line for the plywood, gas and other necessities, strangers just come up to each of us throughout the day with offers of help. I receive the knowingness that both of us need to be out in public radiating our Light. Hmmm…is this why the shutters are delayed?
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017 early am
Again I am woken at 1:30 a.m. I continue to work on Irma and my neighborhood. Irma comes to me in three different forms but I only remember two, an angry teen and a bitter old woman. At first I think they are aspects within me that need to be healed but this feels very different. I listen to the woman but don’t remember afterwards what she told me.
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017
There is definitely a shift in the energy, of settling down. But with a category 5 hurricane coming there is still fear and panic. Many are still evacuating even though the state has advised people to stay unless in an evacuation zone due to limited gas. I am mostly in a peaceful state and able to transmute the moments of fear.
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017
I feel as though I am living in a cave with the plywood on my windows. Many in the neighborhood want to be outside for the same reason. The Love and Light flowing everywhere with people helping each other is just beautiful! I have left over plywood I can give a neighbor. We are both so filled with Joy her house can now be protected! I tell her about my new program (children read with third eye) As soon as she begins watching a child read blindfolded she cries and I feel how her heart has pierced open! Somehow I need to remember this…
I meet with my channeling group in the afternoon. Gaia tells me of the muck that Irma is bringing to the surface. It is also related to oil spills.
There is an update with the hurricane track! Irma has shifted to the west! Boca Raton is still not out of danger but will not receive the brunt of the storm from the eye wall. I am in deep gratitude and relief but cannot celebrate with Irma still on her path!
Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017 early am
I am woken up in the middle of the night and brought to the core of Irma. The same muck is there that I saw in the channeling session but it is hard as a rock. It becomes a small square in my hand so I can soften it but putting it in water doesn’t help. I am shown the reaction of my neighbor seeing the child reading blindfolded and understand I am to call on the crystal children. They form a circle, hand in hand, around Gaia. I fall back asleep knowing they will soften the muck.
Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
The updated hurricane track shows Boca Raton is out of the cone! It is still a dangerous storm for us but nothing as we were facing before. I am concerned as my daughter in Tampa is now in Irma’s direct path. I set up my sacred symbol and place it within Irma’s eye so she receives a continuous flow of Love.
I want to get in a walk before the county’s hurricane curfew of 3:00 p.m. The winds are making it difficult to walk but I persist. The sounds of the wind remind me of the howling that comes with a hurricane. A thought comes that perhaps the howling is from the deep pain of not being Loved. I whisper to Irma, “May you only know Love.”
When I return home the bands of rain begin. I know Irma is now cleansing and healing much with her tears. May the Love we are sending help her process be gentle and with ease.
Lee Degani: Dear God, It’s Me, Lee – Part 3
September 10, 2017 By Steve Beckow
Dear God, It’s Me Again, Lee
Lee Degani, Connection to Healing, Sept. 10, 2017Dear God, It’s Me Again, Lee
What can I say except Thank You! With Boca Raton no longer being in the cone of Hurricane Irma we are handling the torrential rains and winds just fine! Okay, the tornadoes last night were a surprise! Each time the alert with the warning sound would come through it put me into a state of Fear!
So I just turned the TV off, changed the settings on my phone and took some deep calming breaths. For I know the most important job I can do right now is to stay at a High Vibration. This will enable me to radiate Peace and Love to those who are in a state of Fear and Anxiety which especially includes the children and animals. They tend to absorb the energies around them.
I know what it is God to be in that state of anxiety and fear. I have lived through many hurricanes including Andrew…
I also know that You will help me radiate Peace and Love, God. For we are Co-Creators. Your Divine Light is within me. When I connect to Our Divine Light I am in Sacred Partnership with You God and can create miracles!
And when many of us come together with the same intentions, our prayers do truly manifest! You have brought these truths to us in all of the religions, in all the spiritual teachings, it is within the deepest knowingness of each one of us…
Therefore, God, I am continuing to do the following meditation/prayer sessions and I am also sharing this publicly for those called to join Us:
First I am continuing with Our Prayers of Protection for ALL Beings in the path of Irma as well as calming down Irma and moving her away from land.
I am now adding and setting the intention to join all those of the Highest Vibration creating a Divine Quantum Field to bring calming Peace and Love to all those filled with anxiety and fear, including the children and animals.
I am calling to the archangels, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jopiel and Gabriel to bring their sacred energy. I am calling to my guides, teachers and guardian angels to bring their sacred energy.
I am feeling my feet on the floor to make sure I am grounded to Mother Earth. I am taking deep breaths to bring me to a relaxed meditative state.
I am connecting with my heart by focusing on that which makes my heart feel full and fills it with Love. Today it is my children, my cat and my dogs.
I am now expanding this Love that is within my heart. I am feeling it fill up my entire being and expand out into the room.
I am now using this Powerful Divine Love energy which has taken on the color of Blue to bring Peace and Calm to all those filled with anxiety and fear.
I am visualizing children, animals and adults taking deep breaths and feeling peaceful and safe. I am seeing them ALL protected.
I am now feeling the Joy and Love within me that this Now has all come to be…
I am expressing the deepest gratitude to be in Sacred Partnership with You, God. Thank you for this blessing that I may be of service.
I am expressing the deepest gratitude to any of you Dear Readers who feel called to join in any way, whether it is following my example, using your own method or just sending out a prayer….
All are Sacred and received with the utmost gratitude!
Love, Lee
Lee Degani: Dear God, It’s Me, Lee – Conclusion
September 12, 2017 By Steve Beckow
Thank you, Lee, for your personal account of your journey through Hurricane Irma. I’ve asked Lee to contribute other articles as well – one on her work with crystal children.
Lee Degani: Dear God, It’s Me, Lee – Conclusion
We are now in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Although my town, Boca Raton, was forecast as outside the cone we still experienced the effects of a Category 1 Hurricane. As Floridians a Category 1 doesn’t phase us too much.
Although dangerous we know how to prepare and protect ourselves. What was unexpected was the length of the storm, the relentless pounding and especially the accompanying tornadoes. There were several Saturday night and quite a bit Sunday afternoon.
My husband and I were fortunate in that we were in the 29% that kept power. We did lose internet and TV late morning Sunday and phone service soon after. During a lull in the storm Sunday afternoon we drove around the corner to my sister’s home. Getting there took some doing with all of the fallen trees blocking the road and sidewalks. My sister has a TV satellite dish so we were able to keep up with the storm.
I probably watched more TV over the past week than I have in the past five years! I think everyone was just glued to the local or national weather channels especially since we would be given notice when a tornado was imminent as well as the speed of the winds. Having plywood on the windows was difficult as we couldn’t see what was happening outside.
But we could hear… At one point as I was watching the images it struck me that I was now part of the consciousness that was reinforcing the position and strength of the storm. After that I made sure to be cognizant of sending Love energy into the images as I was watching them.
There was definitely a theme throughout the entire week of community and unity. Yes, people always come together during these kind of situations but this time social media enabled everyone to truly connect with each other.
There were all sorts of groups that were formed where members were able to support each other with information, where to get supplies and perhaps the most important, provide emotional support. As I wrote previously, I also succumbed to the Fear at times. As my neighbor said, “We woke up Friday morning facing a category 4 and we were all scared!”
My house ended up with some damage on one side and we also have many fallen trees. We actually have the most damage in our neighborhood. The consensus of the neighbors is that it was from a small tornado. I was somewhat surprised as our property was so well spiritually protected. When I asked my guidance about this I was told that we are carrying this for others. As Linda told me recently, “when they said we would each carry 144 million, it wasn’t just for the “good stuff.”
My guidance also told me this is about balance with giving and receiving. My husband and I tend to be givers as so many lightworkers and loveholders are. But with so many trees down and debris we have had to accept help from the neighbors in cleaning up. One thing that has dawned on me is that perhaps I am giving even more by receiving. I am seeing firsthand the Joy others are experiencing in helping us!
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your prayers, mediations, love thoughts and healing work with Irma’s consciousness. I know without a doubt that each one of You made all the difference! We truly are powerful Beings of Love and I am blessed to be creating Nova Earth with you!
Love, xxxooo