Lemurian Wisdom for Ascension

Aurelia -Will a large percentage of humanity ascend by 2012?

Adama - It is not yet known how many people will ascend with the planet by the
year 2012. We perceive a potential of a few million out of 7 billion people on the
planet, but this number is subject to change any time according to individual and
collective choices. We often hear those calling themselves "lightworkers" say that,
by the year 2012, all humanity will ascend to the fifth dimension unconditionally,
and that no one will be left behind. And we say back to you, "Not so." No one will be
left behind ultimately, but everyone must do their own inner work first and evolve
their consciousness before being invited to the great "Hall of Ascension."

Although there is greater assistance offered to humanity than ever before in Earth's
history, and the Ascension process is made easier than ever before, none of you will
be lifted into the Ascension process until you have met all the requirements and
reached this frequency in your consciousness, no matter how long it takes in the
cycles of time.

It will be required of those aspiring for Ascension that you heal and transform all
your erroneous belief systems and embrace love, harmlessness and the truth of your
divinity. Realize that the year 2012 is not the end of the ascension cycle on this
planet, but simply a wondrous beginning. The full planetary process for the Earth, in
the completion of Her full glory and destiny is a 2,000-year plan. In 2012, it is the
Earth, Herself, making her Ascension in the Light, along with those who have met all
the necessary requirements.

In the years following 2012, all souls incarnated on Earth will continue their
evolution and ascend only when they are ready at the soul level. For some it may
take six months, others five to eight years and for many, it will be longer. You will
also need to engage yourself seriously in the initiation process leading to ascension.
Each one's journey is unique, and though the initiatic process is similar for
everyone, it unfolds differently for each soul, according to their own distinctive

It is true that everyone, without exception, is offered the opportunity for Ascension
at this time, but not everyone is choosing it. Those beloved souls who choose to
continue to experience separation or are not yet ready for this evolutionary step will
be given the opportunity to continue their evolution at their own pace somewhere
else. The grace of Ascension will be offered to them again at some later time when
they request it. In time, everyone will return to the frequency of the Love of the
Heart of the Creator. In this way, no one will be left behind.

Aurelia -Adama, would you give us a description of this Flame?
Adama -This Flame contains the frequency and color of all the other Flames. You
see or experience it as a brilliant, luminous, white dazzling Light that consumes on
contact all that is less than the perfection of Love. Its power and brilliance are
limitless, sustaining worlds in perfect harmony and beauty.

Those invoking and working with it must prepare for change. Once touched by that
Flame, you are never the same again. Everyone can work with it, of course, but in its
full intensity, it holds the capacity to completely transform the initiate who has
reached the doorway of Ascension. When you are finally ready to take this leap in
your evolution, you will be immersed in the frequency of that magnificent energy. It
will propel you into the final step, when the fires of that Love will consume all
human limitations, your full consciousness will be restored and all your bodies will
align and unite. You will then be invited to join the "immortals," as an ascended
master. You will step into that glorious spiritual freedom and consciously reconnect
with your Creator and with all that exists within His heart. This is, my friends, how
powerful the Ascension Flame is.

Aurelia - How can we consciously reach and maintain this level of frequency?
Adama - This information has been given to people of Earth again and again, but it
has been ignored; in this age, it is given again through a wide variety of writings and
channelings. It has been presented to you simply in so many packages and colors
that you fail to recognize it.

Unless a teaching and key of wisdom is learned thoroughly and integrated through
the heart, it remains "just information" and clutter in your mind soon forgotten.
Ultimately, it does not advance the evolution of your consciousness. We know
people who have read hundreds of spiritual books; they have acquired mental
knowledge, but when this knowledge is not integrated to embody their divinity,
spiritual progress remains marginal.

Allow me to mention to you briefly again, repeating what has been said before, in
the hope that if repeated often enough, it will eventually sink in. "Ascension" does
not require the doing of so many things, but is all about becoming, embracing and
remembering to live your lives as the God/Goddess that you are. It means fully
embracing the divinity that already exists within you through the expansion of your
consciousness as Beings of Love, and living from the wisdom of the heart. It is that
simple, my beloveds. If you become this, you do not need anything else. All this
already exists and lives within you. I remind you that there is nothing outside the

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  • Adama Head Priest of Telos is great...his messages are just brilliant and he is like a heart doctor as he connects with your heart and then helps you and awakens you to get ready for Ascension.


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