Lessons to Learn from Another Failed Prediction

So, obviously the excursion to the Neptune Mothership did not or has not yet taken place, and the backlash is already getting fierce. We are seeing the division between those who never believed this was real all along, and those who are still behind these sources as well as behind Steve. I’m sure many people will be wondering what my opinion on this whole thing is (or maybe that is just my ego telling me so) but in any case, I wish to state my perspective on this whole issue.

For me, this whole thing started on either a Monday or Tuesday night, when I got the ‘Invitation from the Intergalactic Council to ‘come aboard the Neptune for ten days as an effort to bring disclosure forward’. Like any discerning Lightworker, I told myself, ‘yeah okay, we will wait and see’. I did not wish to pour all of my energies into this scenario playing out, but at the same time that is exactly what would be needed for it to materialize! But we will get into that in a minute. 

I figured I would not be the only one who had been made aware of this whole thing happening and had my own opinion as to the realities of it, and so I set myself to keep my blog updated on this matter, with help from (...) that was and is much appreciated. Much discussion took place between my fiance and I about whether or not this whole thing as real, and we also read and enjoyed the discussion coming forth on the internet about it. Much backlash has been aimed specifically at Linda Dillon, with many making the claims that she is receiving distorted information, that she has been speaking to ‘scary dark astral entities!’ all along who were out to deceive, and that she herself is out to deceive and only make money.

I can tell you that when it comes to channeled messages and readings, I personally am very discerning. I have had trouble posting a lot of channeled messages from Lightworkers.org because of it. I personally always verify the energetic signature of the being who is being channeled, and that goes for if I am reading their words on the internet, listening to them on an audio file or even chatting with them myself. If one is not careful, one could end up caught up in the words of a false entity, who wishes only to deceive and confuse. Believe me, I have been in the presence of enough lower astral beings to know when one is around. For me, it is very easy to tell.

I do not feel that this was or is the case with Linda. I have no interest in answering the claims that she charges outrageously by the hour for her readings, that is what it is and it is her personal choice how much she charges and if she charges for her services. We Lightworkers have to make money somehow. I have stated my opinion on that one area of this discussion, and I hope that that one issue is not all that is focused on in this article of mine. For me, it is all about the energy of the being who is being channeled.

I felt the energy of Grener when listening to the message, and if Grener would have been a dark entity trying to manipulate, I know that I would have felt it, and you probably would have as well. The channeling itself would have felt very heavy, uncomfortable and the majority would have known by the feeling of the message itself, that the message was not genuine. I personally could feel Grener’s Loving energies coming through the message. When you listen to the words of a channeled entity and afterwards you feel as if you had just spent the day in a very potent meditation, well for me that verifies the Lighted energies of the entity being channeled. There will be plenty who may choose to mock or ridicule me for this entirely feeling-based critique, but friends, feeling is the essence of the higher realms.

If you did not feel a very Loving energy coming from Grener and indeed Linda as well, than I am sorry. But I did. If I hadn’t, you can bet that none of the articles about the Neptune excursion which were published on my site, would have ever been published. I am very serious about this work that I do and about the works which are published on my blog, and I would not have ever published Linda’s messages if I did not feel that they were genuine and of the Light, whether or not Steve was included. That being said, it is clear that the predictions made did not come true, at least not yet and not in the manner that was hoped for.

Obviously, the nay-sayers are going to have a field day with this event not coming to materialize, yet. What has shocked me is the resistance offered by fellow Lightworkers, fellow souls who know that the extraterrestrial truth is very real, yet Lightworkers who have dragged this possibility of a Mothership excursion finally happening which would bring forth disclosure, straight through the mud with a smile on their faces. I have seen legitimate souls who are working for the Galactic Federation, take the Mothership excursion prediction as nothing more than a farce, as nothing more than deceit and another failed prediction waiting to happen. There are many factors as to why this event did not materialize, but what do you think the biggest factor was? I would say it was our Creation powers.

I think it is time that we finally begin to take responsibility for our Creations, and realize that every single moment of our existence, we are funneling through ourselves the energies of Creation, and being that we as humans naturally possess ego filters, what we Create and the energy that comes through is filtered by our egos. That means that every thought, every feeling and emotional impression that we receive, Creates our reality through our expectations, through these thoughts and feelings. I’m sure there were plenty of souls who saw this prediction from Steve, Linda and her sources and immediately thought it was a complete farce, that it wouldn’t happen and that it would in fact be a major blow to the disclosure movement, giving the critics untold amounts of fuel to light the fire of ‘channeled deception’ with.

If you were one such soul who felt this way, try to imagine what was happening in your body, mind and spirit complex right as you were having such thoughts. Your guides and angels, with help and cooperation from beings inhabiting our sun and the astral realms of our world, were on a moment to moment basis, funneling your own energies of Creation through your bodies and spirits. Such energies reached your ego filters, where what you were to experience was then completely decided by you. These energies reached your ego, who was saying, ‘wow, this prediction could not possibly be true. We are not ready for this yet. It is not going to happen. It is another failed prediction. This movement is about to take a huge blow’.

As such, you were put on this timeline that we are now all on, where such predictions indeed did not come to pass. That was, in my opinion the biggest factor that stopped this event from materializing. Of course there were many factors. The list of souls who were to go grew in proportion to unmanageable levels, the possibility of it happening was being slandered by even Lighworkers, and I could go on and on.

I do hope that this article from me is not seen as one-sided, or too in favor of the opinion of this being real. I have had my own doubts and for me as well, those doubts materialized. Imagine if when we saw this prediction, every one of us set our energies and intents toward it happening. Imagine if not one of us saw it as a farce, and instead we all felt and knew in our hearts that is was going to happen. Do you think that things would have ended up differently? If not, than you must have some serious doubts of our Creation powers, both individually and collectively.

While this whole thing was going on, I made the call on a few different websites to look at this issue in more of a neutral way than it was being discussed. As with many things, the dualistic line between fellow Lightworkers was once again drawn, with plenty of people saying ‘this is real! This is real!’ and plenty of people putting the whole idea down and boldly proclaiming it a farce. Duality at its finest my friends! I made the call to not necessarily pour all of one’s expectations into this event materializing for fear of disappointment (which, in hindsight, perhaps we should have all poured our energies into it happening, then maybe we would have manifested it) but for us also to not completely slander it and just decide that it wasn’t real. I believe that those who did so helped to seal the fate of it not happening.

Now, Steve Beckow is considering retirement from this movement and from the public arena, if at least a small group is not allowed to go quite yet. I believe fully that Steve will be aiding the dark more than anything else if he does leave. However, I understand his reasons for doing so in that he does not want the entire Lightworker community to be slandered as a whole, when we did not make the prediction. I understand that plenty of Lightworkers purposely distanced themselves from this event and in many cases decided it was not going to happen, for ego-based fears of they themselves being slandered.

I think the consensus was reached that such predictions and possibilities hurt the Lightworker community and do damage because it couldn’t possibly be true! I ask, where is the measure of faith that all of this is real, if one is going to completely deny the possibility that a group of Lightworkers could be taken aboard a Mothership to help disclosure get off the ground? I actually heard a fellow respected Lighworker say that if Steve Beckow says it, it must not be true. Where did that come from? Because of this one prediction? I guess some people do not realize how much Steve has given of himself to this movement, and how much good he has done and how much disclosure he has actually pushed through.

The final aspect of this discussion that I feel needs addressed, is that of the validity of channeled messages. I am hoping that with this latest happening, people learn not to give too much of themselves to channelings. I do personally believe that channelings should not  be used to predict anything, as even with this occurrence there is the possibility that the channeler is receiving distorted information. Again, the energies coming through Linda felt to me to be Loving and genuine, but as always, there is the possibility that she was and is receiving distorted information. I quietly made the call that such things might be true, but I also did not want to damage the possibility of this event happening and so I kept quiet about that.

People may see me as ‘tripping over myself’ in terms of my opinion of this issue, because I am not choosing one specific side as to whether this scenario was truly real or not. I do my best to stay away from duality as I personally am growing out of it day by day, and I apologize if you came to this article looking to see what ‘side’ I am on. I simply wish to display both perspectives, and why or why not things happened the way they did. Now, to get back to the ‘channeled messages’ aspect of this article.

I feel that we should have been able to pour our Loving energies into this scenario and make it happen, but not necessarily that we should have just completely taken Linda, Steve and Grener on their words. I’m sure there were plenty of people who unquestioningly put all of their faith in this happening, without taking the responsibility themselves to Create and manifest it. I believe fully that channeled messages should not be followed blindly as if they were gospel, and I think that doing so can be destructive to one’s own awakening process. When you come across a channeled message, question it with your discernment and intuition, without completely slandering it of course as that does nobody any good.

A reader of my site made the very good point that we must turn within to our own intuition and higher self for the answers that we seek. I could not agree with her more on this matter. Channeled messages are here to help, and we who bring them through as well as the sources giving the messages, only wish to aid you in your quest for enlightenment. We wish to make you aware that indeed, extraterrestrials exist and indeed, there is a Galactic Federation. We only wish to make these truths apparent and help those who know that these are truths, as well as help them along their own ascension paths.

Channelings are here to help and only help, which is why I think it can be destructive to give out dates or predictions in any channeled message. I think that channelings should stick to giving guidance and help, but at a certain point the boundaries must be crossed and we must let the Galactics know that indeed, we are ready for disclosure and we are ready to know them and perceive them again, no matter how it happens. 300 of us may not have visited a Mothership yesterday, but the movement for disclosure has gained much more attention than it had even a week ago. Even though it didn’t happen, this prediction was a big deal and is a monumental lesson that many of us are still learning and will continue to learn.

It is a lesson about perspective and duality. I thank Steve, Linda, AAM and Grener for bringing that lesson to us. Steve, I very much hope that you do not retire as you are very valuable to this movement.

Wes Annac

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  • @Peekay: 

    'Hero worship' is never advised, friend. :) I can see the sarcasm in your comment, do know that I am in no way the being you are attempting to paint me as.

    As we all are, I am the energy of Love in manifestation, and I am simply one soul who is trying to aide humanity in its collective ascension process. Any other perceptions or assumptions about me or indeed, about anyone else, are yours and yours alone :) 

    Also, I have roots in the Pleiades constellation, not Sirius. I am not affiliated with the Sirian Council, but good guess in your attempt to paint me in a certain light. :) 

    Much Love :) :) 

  • let's learn from our patience...

  • Nice message Wes and very truet
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