Ok be ready and fasten your seatbelts
In light
Confirmation of the Let it Rip scenario By CM and S333 thru Rubens May 18, 2010 - 9:22:07 AM | Email this article Printer friendly page ![]() |
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Start: 7:25
Rubens: Tell me again who you are please.
CM and S333: CM and S333.
Rubens: So both of you are here, CM and S333. The heat over my head was a different signature type.
CM: It is due to our proximity dear one.
Rubens: OK, Just thought I would ask. What's up in the house?
CM: Good to see that you are relaxing more. What's up in my house is that we are almost done with the preliminary chores and the house will be looking quite different soon; we are of course talking about the different political, financial institutions that we are ridding of their undeserved administrators who have done nothing but pillage that which they had a responsibility to look over and manage properly. Now they have nothing to fall back on since they will be stripped of every single piece of stolen properties that do not belong to them. They are going to the other place reserved for them which is more appropriate for their level of understanding and willingness to cooperate.
I am conveying to you all, my children that we indeed are soon going to sit at the table with those who made us proud to have a celebration of a lifetime. In the mean time, we must finish the work that we started and assure that plans have been executed to the minute details so nothing remains that will be of major importance for us to attend to.
You must prepare for what is coming dear ones although we understand your anticipation at obtaining the long sought-after freedom but, know that it will not be a pretty sight to view since many of your brothers and sisters will be in the heart of disasters and many will perish but, so be it. As you have read already, Mother Gaia is ready to initiate, what will appear to be, a long and arduous push in order to bring to an end the long-awaited process of renewal; we have convinced her that she should no longer worry about your fate on the surface and bring to an end the process of changes that she must undergo in order to emerge completely renewed and filled with the radiance she so deservedly needed.
Candace mentioned the "Let it Ripped" scenario that you have asked for; it is upon you as she said and you must embrace it with all your heart in the understanding that it will also be accompanied by justified suffering of some your brothers and sisters. As your saying goes "be careful what you wish for". The point is that you must assure that you are centered properly because if you have doubts about it at all, you may find yourselves in the midst of a full blown hurricane in the middle of a raging ocean, metaphorically speaking. You have been warned dear ones. "Father/Mother" knows best is another saying that comes to mind.
I am Aton, your Creator Son, Father of All and I place my seal of approval upon this message.
S333: This is S333 and I am here with my brother to assure that you understand what is coming your way, despite the many messages and warnings given in a relatively short time. Understand dear ones, that CM is a very compassionate and merciful God and it is quite fitting for Him to assure always that you do have the understanding necessary to move ahead in these times with grounded awareness. We are more than satisfied of our progress and we never had any doubts that it would have been otherwise.
YOU dark ones, never really had a chance but, in your arrogant ways, you would never believed that. The most pitiful thing to consider is that you are now unable to understand the language of compassion and mercy and that, dear ones, is quite painful for us to witness because despite your utter incomprehensible ways, we would rather have you rejoin your family and partake of the coming celebrations but, such is not your choice and we must comply. You do have free will, no matter what happens.
Many others are coming online due to the increase in the flow of energies bathing your planet and the larger surrounding. We welcome all of those coming online for we need as much assistance as required before this phase of the process comes to a close. We urge you to prepare and be available as much as is possible.
I am S333 and I too, place my seal of approval upon this message.
End: 8:03
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