i love you all and i am lead to share with you. i respect all things. if you have never heard of Thoth and the Emerald Tablets...now you do. they are on line and i ask that you please read the last book, secret of secrets...paragraph 4. if you need to feel truth read about the material this knowledge is written. i am lead to tell you all...it is an everyday battle within ourselves... for that is where both light and darkness dwells. when the elect has completed this correction process within...then we'll move forward...ok, this is in motion but please, LOVE EVERYONE...and JUDGE NO ONE. that is such a big flaw in US all. much sweet peace to all, it's time to enter into REST.
thanks for posting the link marianinia...yes, reading them, if light be in you, brings enlightening visions. much sweet peace to you.
crystallinks also has a translated copy.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Literal translation and interpretation of one of the most
ancient and secret of the great works of ancient wisdom.