This program updates our previous implant clearing sessions to include additional work on healing ourselves to manifest individual, collective, and planetary liberation, as well as preparing ourselves for the Ascension process.
Cobra has recently indicated to us that it is still essential to continue implant clearings, so we will facilitate previous and new implant clearing exercises in the first hour of the session as part of our healing. Our second hour* is then dedicated to additional meditations, exercises, and discussions to assist healing, spiritual growth, and a higher vibrational life for ourselves, for humanity, and for the world.
*Please allow yourself 2-3 hours for this experience (think of it as a mini “spiritual marathon”). Due to the longer length of this program, we will conduct these approximately every four weeks (rather than every two weeks). The content and duration of these sessions will change somewhat each time, to also include guest presenters of various topics!
At this pivotal time on the planet, it is of the utmost importance that we heal ourselves to be free of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and lower vibrational frequencies, thoughts, and emotions. Please join us to heal yourself and heal the world!
Working together is very powerful, and the more people that attend, the more impactful it will be for all … so please spread the word!
Let’s Heal Together! Victory of the Light!
Note: This session is conducted in English; however translations of most exercises are available in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/ Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian. You can find the translations of the exercises here:
For more information on these sessions, please visit:
To listen to previous implant clearing sessions, please visit the Sisterhood of the Rose YouTube channel at
So join us for a little/small spiritual marathon !
( if you want to know more about implants : and and )
The Victory of the Light and Sisterhood of the Rose teams are happy to announce a new FREE live program for the English/International community, titled:
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 7pm UTC (3pm EST, 9pm CEST)
Links to join the live broadcast:
Check your time zone here: