Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
I have been working toward understanding this new process that we are going through for fifteen years. I have followed all of the steps that needed to be accomplished by 2012 to ensure the Earth's safe alignment into the Cosmaya Ship's Buffer Blanket of Plasma that is holding us safe within the Aurora Field. the Aurora Field is the Consciousness Field of Plasma Vapor that actually merges Net Earth into Oneness with the Accretion Level of Inner Earth, or what is now being called our Future Ascension Earth. The Inner Earth Agartha has always had a 4 accretion level. Earth is sitting within this accretion level of Inner Earth. We are here. We have arrived.
Now, we need to work on the process of merging our bodies into this accretion level or frequency of Inner Earth by 2017. In order to do this, we must actually VAPORIZE our bodies. I have written before about IONIZATION and about the Hydrolaise H2O2 HE3.
Many of us know that we are visualizing this spiritual water in the atmosphere. The more we tune into the frequencies of that hydrolaise, the more we are vaporizing our bodies. We are bringing the spiritual chemistry into oneness with the physical chemistry of the body.
In the ETERNAL LIFE WATER SET, I take the listener through the process of tuning in to the Streams of Light Energy that create the Flames around our body that allows our plasma body to travel within the Falme Vehicle into the Inner Core of Sun 8. The Hydrolaise in the Inner Domains is called Trypolaise. We ride in our Flame Vehicle into the Temples of Sun 8. This is the place we go to fill our Plasma Body with the Trypolaise Vapor that contains the codes of Eternal Life. We can leave our Plasma Body up in the Healing Waters all night long. Each morning we feel lighter and lighter. This is because our physical body reflects exactly what happens to our Plasma body.
This is the Eternal Life Substance that is the Vapor within the Plasma. The pre-light and sound of the substance of the highest light form. As we learn to soak in this trypolaise, our plasma body soaks up the vapor and sinks to the bottom of the healing pond. When it is full of the trypolaise, it floats to the surface of the water and then begins to levitate above the water.
As we practice this each night before going to bed, and listen to the music that comes with the set, we can achieve levitation. This is the Cosmic Water that turns the body to vapor.
After we accomplish levitation, we continue breathing in the plasma streams into our neuronets and follow the instructions in Set Two. Set Two focus is on translating the neuronets into transmitters of a brand new reality.
We must begin practicing visualizing, believing, confirming the new reality that we can levitate, we can orb, we can walk through the veil into the Inner Earth that is right here where we are standing on this Earth right now.
We know that this reality is here. We can see it in the atmosphere, we can experience it in the Eternal Life Water Pool. We can activate our neuronets to prepare the synaptic cleft to FIRE A NEW REALTIY.
This set of Frequencies and instructions is just one more step forward to our new ASCENSION EARTH realtiy which is coming closer every second.
Ascension means becoming Normal
Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
There is an entirely different relationship within a Natural Solar System than what we
have become accustomed to here. The system we have been living in is not normal.
In a normal system each person and each planet is free to create as a co-creative
mind with Source. Our system was blocked from being normal with a Net.
The Ascension Earth looks bigger than this Earth. It is a sphere around the Earth.
We are a sphere within a sphere. This earth will now become the inside of the New
Earth. The Nets placed over the planes of our system will be completely removed
through the light energy.
We are now having nets removed - including DNA nets, Ego nets, magnetic nets.
Even our present electric system is a net that is being used to control us.
The Nets are coming down.
Earth is now being held within a Cosmic Blanket of Energy called the Aurora Field. This field of energy is a combination of the Plasma we know and the Cosma Plasma of the highest consciousness. The Aurora Field attaches the Earth into the Inner Domains, while the old Net Earth is still in the External Domains.
The more we raise our frequencies, the more we allow ourselves to be pulled into the Ascension Earth of the Inner Core Domains.
The Beloveds have been working for thousands of years to prepare the Earth's matrix for opening the 12 stargates that will allow the Earth to merge into the Ascension Earth.
The field of Consciousness that holds the Frequencies that allows the RE-SET of the entire Earth's Matrix is called the Elaisha. That is the Inner Core Domain of Sun 8. Sun 8 is the new Cosmic Sun created through the rebirth of the Seven Suns of our original Oraphim Matrix.
The journies, frequencies and techniques in Eternal Life Water 1 and 2 come from our alignment with this Elaisha Field of Consciousness which is our brand new corrected Divine Template deep within the Core of the entire Cosmos. This reality became activated in 2013 and is now available to activate within our atomic structure.
We each have a spiritual body called the Jadha Body, and within the structure of that body there is a field of energy made of a plasma template of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The inner point of that structure is the crystal liquid light energy. That drop of cosmic water holds the entire Divine Template for the Re-Set of the entire Cosmos.
I was just watching the intro to SUPERMAN RETURNS. If you want to get an idea of what it means for Source to Exhale a Creation and then Inhale a New Creation to be transformed and reborn, just watch that intro. It shows a Sun Exploding--that is the Exhale, and then it shows a Sun enfolding back into itself--that is the Inhale.
We just finished the entire Exhale into the Outer Dense reality fields and we are now beginning our journey back into the Core Domain where a perfect new reality can begin its creation journey.
What does this have to do with DNA? The original DNA template of the Human Angelic Raceline was formed from a Divine Code based on the 12 DNA template. The 12 strands were broken apart which separated the physical body from the spiritual body. The strands 1-7 were disconnected from the 7-12 strands of spiritual consciousness. The 12 strands are subharmonics of overtones and basetones, which means the spiritual parallel realities of the self.
One part of putting these DNA strands back together included the restoration of the CORE TEMPLATE of the Cosmos of the entire Cosmic Structure that the Earth Matrix is a part of. First the 12 Stargates had to be reopened so that Earth's Consciousness could connect clear back into the the Cosmic Core Domain. That mission was finished in 2012. The next part of the mission of connecting the the Core Domain is now complete.
The next step is getting Earth INHALED into Ascension Earth through the Aurora Fields of Cosmic Plasma. The Earth will complete that mission in 2043. The rest of us need to restore our bodies into the accretion level of Ascension Earth by restoring our 5DNA templates and then re-uniting with our Spiritual Parallel Bodies.
The reason this Earth became smaller is because the dark forces have been
flipping pieces of this planetary body inside each other for eons. They flipped
Lemuria and Atlantis inside of the Earth into the Hybernization zones. These zones
have finally become free now. Lemuria and Atlantis may rise again and the entire
Earth will begin to return to its natural essence.
There are 15 light bands connecting all dimensions of the Earth together. There are
spheres within spheres within spheres. These form the rings and spans that
reactivate the earth and us in our new alignment with the base pulse rhythm (BPR)
and angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS).
There is a place we can shift out of this (ARPS). When you place the spheres of the
Density 1, Density 2, and Density 3 levels of Earth and the D1, D2, and D3 density
levels of Urtha—five levels of expansion of spheres within spheres and Galaizac
layers spark and ignite into harmonic conversion that realigns each into the others
Base Pulse Rythm.
On every level there are certain characteristics of each density level for both Earth 1
and Earth 2. The D2 grid of the Earth is the 9.5 level of D2 grid. On the D3 grid we
have another crust-the 9.5 level of D3 grid. That forms the Natural Mental Body
Plane that is made of Atmic Energy. Where as on this level we are made of Telluric
Energy on this plane. Then there would be a smaller version that is an Inner Earth
that has its own crust and its own light field around it where it would be illuminated
without a sun. There would be another level inside - that would be Etheric Energy.
So we had these Natural Planes of Structure to begin with.
Those structures we see Now are Not natural. The 13,14, and 15 th Galaizac layers
of each level would be a choronosphere. It would be like the sun. There would be
natural subterranean structures within the structure. There would be natural Biomes
that could live under the choronospheres – there would be no sun radiation because
you would be the sun yourself. You would take in the current through your poles and
have natural symbiosis cycles.
Our DNA has been programmed through these Nets. When the Nets are down our
DNA will return to its original 12 strands instead of our present 3-4.5 DNA of the
monkey mind.
We can now project through these nets into the Adashi Temples. The New Earth is
where Christ Base Pulse Rhythms have remained stationary. They are at the same
location of this Earth - but on a different angular rotation of particle spin and base
pulse rhythms.
Now there has been a link between New Earth and this Earth that gives us the ability
to go through density one to density two ascension earth and then to density three
ascension earth. Then we can make the full leap to Urtha. There were three slide
zones, but the only one our bodies can be prepared for at this time is slide zone 3.
We become slide zone 3 able by doing the Eiradon Activation. When it is time to
slide we will be contacted personally and directly. To prepare for the slide - we must
begin doing glides into the Aquafarion BPR. After doing the Eiradonis Activation
that prepares the body for Resurrection or Ascension, we can go sit in or swim in
the healing waters of Aquafaria to pick up the BPR to prepare for Slide.
First we glide through consciousness, next we bi-locate to Aquafaria. Then we fully
slide our body through slide zone 3. When this Eiradonis Shield is activated and our
Slide Ready Shields are activated-we activate the shields in the Angelic Humans
around us and they activate others until all are activated.
This creates a Hydrolaise Conversion for the Earth and for us and for a Shield for
Angelic Humans.
All will then be prepared for a slide or a hosted slide by our guides and angels.
Through the Eradonis activation we get full access to our Spirit Body. Our Adori
side. This enables us to go through the spirit side instead of the physical earth -
Atori side.
If we want to return to Earth to visit or assist others in slide, we can go through the
Adori side back into the Atori side of the Earth.
It will eventually happen as easily as thinking about the Eirodonis body to be able to
Slide and return back and forth.
This will be the first time on this Earth that we can fully restore the original divine
All of the Christmas Songs of Ascension are based on the original God Language
and the Original Ra Sha La layers of the original Christic Earth. These songs
contain the tones that align our bodies and this Earth's body back into the original
divine rotation of particle spin of the Original Earth or the Ascension.
The Earth has 11 shields or layers-1,2,3 are the solid core layers, 4,5,6 are the
Aquaferes (Liquid Light) layers, 7,8,9 are the Mantel (etheric) layers, 9.5 is the
Earth's crust, 10 is the Ra layer or atmosphere space, 11 is the Sha and 12 is the
La. The Sha La is the Van Allen Belt and the La creates the Chemical DNA Gap in
this present Earth Distortion.
In the original Earth, the Ra Sha La layers were part of it's Christic Shields.
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse
Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Breathing the Cosmic Waters into the spaces between the skin and between the atoms and into the neuronets will begin the transformation needed for our bodies to prepare for the new chemical structure of the body that will eventually allow some of us to walk between worlds and the orb to other star systems. Inhaling the Crystal Liquid Light of the Plasma Water into the atoms and between the atoms will make the body feel very light and calm. We will learn how to inhale the Cosmic Water into the lungs and into the vessels and veins and neuronets of the body. The plasma body will get lighter and lighter. The physical body will also become lighter and lighter. As the plasma body rises to the top of the water and rests on the top of the water. Our plasma body is lifting the physical body in the state of levitation. With enough practice, your body will levitate.
This set of activations requires both Eternal Life Water 1 and Set 2 in order to train the body how to activate the Eternal Life Water in both the Atomic Body and the
Plasma Body. The Second Set works specifically on the technique needed to spiritualize the neuronet strucutre of the body. We must understand and practice the frequency transformation in Set 1 in order to activate the Neuronets with the technique in Set 2. And the opposite is also true. We must have our Neuronets aligned into the Spiritual Transformation Code in order for the Plasma Body to completely activate the Physical Body.
The Inner Core of Sun 8, Eleisha, is the Eternal Playground of God. It is the place of Eternal Co-Creation with the Mind of God.
We are now learning how to prepare our JaDha Bodies (ORBING BODIES) to be able to orb to the Median Earth which opens the doors to slide into Sun 8. This would be the transformation required to ORB or be escorted by other Orbable Flame Vehicles or Crystal Star Merkaba Ships of friends of families to TARA and GAIA.
The Net Earth has merged with the Median Earth, and now we are working on removing the barrier between the two merging in to Oneness.
We are simultaneously in the Aurora Earth planes of Net and Median Earth. We will be moving into the future of Earth in the Aurora Median Earth where everything is healed and things have gotten much better. Some have the contracts to be able to go back and forth between Median Earth and Net Earth to share the new reality with those who have not left Net Earth yet.
In the future there will be teams who go back and forth to the future to assist others.
A. Journey to Healing Waters
1. Overview of Journey
2. Intro to Journey
3. Playground of God
4. Preparing for Journey
5. Flame Vehicle Chamber
6. Journey to Healing Water
7. Hydro-Pure Water
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