Liberty is the Virgin Queen who was raped by foreign investors, her children then stolen to fight their wars, so they could make a killing, her reputation besmirched to satisfy their addiction for raw sex, devoid of feeling. Send these investors to their holes in the ground, and seal the openings. They do not deserve to breathe fresh air, they polluted, enjoy lakes and rivers, they filled with debris, produce of our farms and gardens, they poisoned, beauties of nature, they claim as theirs.
If USA is Babylon, they made it so, with their abominations. Babylon is a state of mind, of those who say that they are in control, and openly brag that we are losers if we fall by the wayside, because they played monopoly with our resources.
This site was taken over last year without Ben's permission, and Nancy Ahrens was evicted for calling attention to how that happened. I saw the sales pitch, claiming Russia will lead armies to take USA over, after sending a secret weapon, to turn the lights out, darken the nation, spit on the Statue of LIberty as final insult to those millions who have come to Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, which now says "no more immigrants" to its shores because they might terrorize.
Terrorists are already here, shepherded by Rothschild Satanic Cult from Central Asia, not from Middle East as claimed, terrorizing Middle East from their safe haven, in occupied territories of Israelites and Palestinians, not natural enemies, fires of animosity and hatred artificially stirred by their common enemy, to control Suez Canal that Rothschild financed.
This will be confirmed a month from now, and nations of the world will do what they have planned, evict Babylonians: banker thieves who own central banks, world-wide, to rip off those who earn honest wages with honest work, not the manipulations of other's savings to feed insatiable urges, as lost souls, for what they see but can't have: belonging to something greater than themselves, because they don't know how. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
These are the last holdouts, after many lifetimes gone amuck, unable to learn 1st lesson: LOVE FOR GOD AND SELF.
Until that happens, it's not possible to learn the rest: LOVE FOR FELLOW MEN/WOMEN, upon which salvation rests.
Dr Simon Atkens is the CEO of Advanced Forecasting Corporation and has made startling predictions about incoming cosmic energies and their impact. Among them is:
… an acceleration and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the sun and other cosmic energies that will build especially from late August into late September that will cause, circa 23rd-24th September, what he describes as a ‘frequency shift’ in consciousness.
He refers to evolutionary changes emerging from world shaking disclosures as a result of the incoming cosmic energy he describes as a ‘Wave X':
.. a “wave of evolution. What we’re about to find out on a major level, unheard of in history at a mass scale is the true answer of ‘Who are we?’, ‘Where do we come from?’, and ‘What is our purpose?‘. The planet is going to take off in such an incredible ways.”
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Forgiveness, starting with one's self, restores to being whole, to being part of the Creation. Wholeness makes it possible to forgive others, recognizing our common origin within this ever-expanding Creation, which allows for infinite variety, not the sameness that is forced upon us, by those who seek control of others, for failure to control themselves.
So how do we relate to banker thieves, who steal and plunder, taking what they cannot produce, lacking skill or ambition to create new worth, substituting cleverness to manipulate investments, for creating worth.
To pretend that Liberty is a Whore, representing what they do, is to overlook darkness of their conquests, shutting out the light that Liberty's Lamp exposes. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free," not "I will build a fence, along our southern border, send all immigrants back, including take away citizenship granted to their children."
Conquest and exclusivity are twin goals of cabal, ownership of all they see and more, ownership of unborn children, assets posted on NY Stock Exchange at birth, thanks to FDR, and Congress at his request, to bail us out of financial ruin that international bankers caused.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do." How does that work, to shut out Babylon from our minds and hearts? starting with fire that burns, from King of the North (not Russia), which is not just our mind and heart.
Our link to Creator is the Crown chakra, awareness of Heaven, which is all around us, opening the Third Eye, our link to Spiritual Insight, increasing our mental capacities to understand Great Truths shared with us 24/7.
This is the real secret of Babylon, that it dwells within, suffocating hearts, when not overridden by King of the North, accompanied by insights of Spiritual Wisdom, allies of the Northern King.
Is it so difficult to comprehend the prophecies? World ends, for each of us, when the Torch of Truth is lit, and Liberty lights our way to a New World, right here, right now, as soon as we choose, since we have Free Will.
He insinuates that his presence is at every moment! Likewise I like this timeless interpratation of bible. A Babylon or Jerusalem of antiquity means nothing to us. We must see a timeless one and then the teachings will have meaning to us. Now, Jerusalem is where I AM.:)
Always seemed to me that the banking system was the whore of Babylon..
When Babylon burns in heart and mind, some say they are "on fire" for the Lord, meaning they have turned to Spirit for inspiration, to see with the Third Eye, which is the Pineal Gland, in center of the brain, poisoned for many at the present time, by deliberate pollution of our air, water and soil. For those in daily meditation, the way is shown to correct this manifestation of those infected by the lower chakras. When mind and heart are on fire, Spirit World of Heaven arises to free us from abominations, of those who live in the Hell of their own creation.
The third eye is so called because it allows you to see what your human eyes cannot see. The third eye is in fact your indigo chakra, one of seven main chakras that run up from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.
This indigo chakra is likened to a gateway, the connection between your physical body and your etheric body. The etheric body is your default body that you utilize upon physical death and return to the etheric planes of existence to rest.
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In understanding that we need to burn Babylon, within themselves, and to edify Jerusalem within .
The Heavenly Jerusalem view from afar is like a stone transparent jasper, crystal, is the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who gets the Philosopher's Stone, because it will change radically and will have powers over fire, on air, on water and on land!
We need a pure, esoteric Christianity; Christianity a living, not a dead Christianity. A Gnostic Christianity that can radically transform.
The Gnostic Movement (in its initiatory School of DIRECT PATH) The Gnostic Church (the Transcended Church of Christ the Innermost) our Gnostic Anthropological Studies (development of the Inner Man), show mankind the path of liberation.
But just as we are with the ego alive, strong, sturdy, left the path of error.
We need to learn to love the fire, and actually work with the Mysteries of Fire!
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What happens to souls who can't learn lessons? They are the coin that was lost, the lamb that went astray.
Until they are found, they don't know who they are, so they get into trouble. There but for the grace of God teaches us we could be in the same place. Staying clear of soulless people makes good sense, loving from safe distance. Send love to those found hoarding assets or shooting repeating rifles. God will secure them.
U.S. Generals who wanted soldiers to do this are now in retirement. Other nations will follow U.S. example.
Babylon is a world-wide state of mind, a response to lawlessness. King of the north is our heart and mind. King of the south is our baser instincts. Hebrew and Christian Bibles cannot be translated by simpletons.