There was an analogy that popped into my head as I was reponding to a post by Pichu which I put in my reply to her. I reread what I had posted after I responded to her posting and removed it because I got on a longwinded ramble that really was off topic to her original post so I decided to make a blog out of it. This way you can either read or not read this blog without it reflecting back on Pichu's post. So here is what I said...
I said that I love this website and that it is my homebase and that the members here are all like family to me. It was the first place that I cam as I started to awaken to a higher calll and a spiritual awakening and I keep gravitating back again and again. I never wander for long.
I think that it is wonderful that we can be ourselves here, and that we are treated as adults. I have been in forums where control and censure is the basis of the forum, where only certain opinions are allowed to be aired and frankly that is not the type of forum I wish to belong to...I love Ashtar because of Ben-Arion and the approach that he takes and the liberty he gives us for growth, and he does not label things as tabu or dark or light. His philosopies are so like my own. I just wanted to say that.
Anyway.....When I think of life here on Ashtar and of life in the 3D world in general it reminds of me wrestling matches. Let me explain, I know it sounds kind of weird. I flashed back to when I was in my teens and early twenties and I remembered out of the blue today something that made an impact on me from back then that i had not thought about till today. .
I used to be a big fan of WWF wrestling (World Wide Federation of Wrestling). They used to have a tv wrestling show once a week and I wiatched with awe and horror as these big guys beat the crap out of each other. How barbaric they seemed on looking back... I used to cheer for this one or that and if the matches got really bloody and rauctious I found great entertainment and it felt so real to me like I was watching a gladiator match to the death and I found it so exciting. I used to go the Portland Civic Center where the big names in Wrestling came to have matches. There was a guy named Chief J Strongbow, Andre the Giant, George the Animal Steel and many other wrestling legends which probably most of you have never head of because it was before your day (I am old, tee hee)....Anyhow I thought that those matches were real and that they were really hurting one another. One time at the match I attended Chief J was taken out of the match on a stretcher with his head all covered and blood and looking like his head had caved in.....Andre the Giant had stomped on his head in the match and it all looked so real and gruesome that I began to cry.
There was a restaurant that all the wrestlers used to go to after the fights I found out because my friend was a waitress there. The night that Chief J got his head stomped and that I attended a bunch of my friends all got together after the match and we went to the Village Restaurant that was the wrestles haunt every time they came for fights at the civic center. We were hoping to sit near the wrestlers and it was our lucky night...Because we were "eye candy" wrestling groupies back in the day and we have a nearby table,, the wrestlers saw us staring at them longingly and invited us to their table to join them for dinner and I almost swooned. Chief J Strongbow was there all spiffed up and not a scratch on him and I was so shocked and amazed to see this bunch of wrestlers who had been battling each other brutally in the ring all sitting together laughing and talking like they were the best of friends and that there was not a scratch on Chief J, and he was not in the hospital struggling for life as I thought. . I just sat there looking a Chief J in total awe and confusion and Andre said, you did not actually think that this wriestling was real and that we all get hurt did you. I said yes and he laughed heartily. He said it is all an act jand the action was well planned in advance as well as the winner, they each had a turn and a time to win...., and the footing and stomps were all practiced in advance so that no one would hopefully actually get hurt and it was all for show, all,the growling and throwing of the folding chairs and the smashing of heads into the ropes were all for entertainment and that when they bled it was blood capsules they bit on and that it was not real and was just for show....I was SO shocked..Then he winked and told me to keep it our little secret because he did not want me to ruin the show for others, so I promised not to tell (which of course I did to everyone who would listen, see how I am...)....
My looking back on this memory reminded me that 3d life is like that too. We have carefully planned all of life's opportunites and players in our life play in advance as part of the show to learn and be entertained by and we can determine the outcome as well by what we do with the opportunities. Life at
this site is like that too.....
We are all players playing our parts to the hilt, but after the wrestling matches here are over we aught to change out of our wresting tights and attire and go out to eat together, laugh and have fun and love each other and pat ourselves on the back for the good job we did making it believable and real....It was only a show that is all...then we go back to being the one we have always been andwe each have our turn to win..... .
W-O-W ! Talk about spiritual Hulkamania ! ? !
You & I are definitely on the same boat here because just the other day I was waxing nostalgic & watching all these wrestling clips on YouTube from when I was in junior high, & here you are writing about it!
Synchronicity anyone?
It does kind of look silly now, but I remember all of the emotions that I had watching them at the time & I just had this ear-to-ear grin that wouldn't go away.... I even laughed out loud a few times.
I had so much fun with that whole scene back then, there's really not that much to compare it to today.
Perhaps that is the point as you say, to remember the what & remember the how of the positive aspects that were instilled within you & share them with the rest of the world.
People who don't participate in sports, be it basketball, or baseball, etc. as an athlete or a spectator, will often say that it's a kids game, or it's rigged, which may entirely or may not entirely be true. Does that matter?
It's entertainment, pure & simple.
If you don't care for it then just leave it alone, there's no need to ruin it for everyone else. If those memories you are so fond of exist, then honor them by offering them to others.
A shared experience is a treasured experience. I am totally on the same page with you there.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You remind me that we are truly never isolated in life.
~ Thomas
P.S. - Hulk STILL Rules!
“Remember always, that this is a beautiful Game that we are playing here and co-creating together, with our Infinite Creator. And that “off stage” (between lives) we are the very best of friends, and that no one really “dies” and no one really “suffers”, except in the Game. The Game is not Reality and you have the Power to Express YOUR Reality within the Game, once you have learnt how to do so. Oh how we’d laugh at the roles we played, my Brothers & Sisters in the Light!” - Venusian Emissary
thank you for allowing us a glimpse inside, I feel very much at home there. I too loved to watch wrestling, for that very reason, knowing they were all friends who "played" professionally, albeit roughly. - David