life begins

HEAVEN #3448

Life Begins,
May 4, 2010

God said:
Thereis leisure for you in My heart, for, in My heart, time does not exist.There is no hurry, no haste, no eventuality that you have to meet oravoid. You do nothing but loll in My heart, and yet you are wide-awake.There is an enlivening presence in My heart. Everything is hurry-less,and yet your pulse, as it were, speeds up. There is no tempo. There isno pace, and yet the non-pace is not slow. There is no hurry, yet, asyou loll, there is alacrity. There is no metronome. There is Stillness,and yet slowness does not exist.

We could say that therelaxation you experience in My heart is something like the gap betweenheartbeats, the gap between words, between thoughts, between theinception of an idea. We could say that what you experience, even thoughit is non-experience, is the pause that refreshes.

You are sofree within My heart. You know Who you are, and you know you arelimitless. And you know what to do with your freedom, and yet you don'tdo anything. Like Me, you ARE.

This relaxation is Being,beloveds. It is Being without rush, Being without requirements, Beingwithout grasping, asking, or anything at all but Being.

Being isthe state before activity. It is love established and embraced withinitself. It is very powerful, this state of Being, Being love, love infull force, love brewing, as it were, love readied on the stove, a herdof love ready to go out the gate, love ready to bolt beyond knownproportions in the extant world, love bulging at the seams, love readyto burst through in a surcharged embrace yet not an embrace, a birth oflove ready to be born, a fullness of love on the very breach of itself,centered in itself, not yet of the Earth, yet for the Earth, right forthe Earth, the solvency of the Earth, the gold of the Earth worth morethan millions, love uncountable, love beyond count, love fulsome, lovecomplete, love yet without object, love with nothing in mind but loving,love like yeast, love at the right temperature, love incipient, loveburgeoning, love ready to cascade, love ready to burst forth like thesun, love ready to exist on Earth as it exists in Heaven, love ready toovertake anything less, love ready to elope with the Earth and everyoneon it, run off into the sunset and turn around and come back and be lovemeeting itself all the way, love dissolving everything in its path,love overturning any imagined thing that is not love, love doinghandstands, love like a million stars sparkling until there is nothing,nothing at all but love expanding in the openness of itself, a bagful oflove on every doorstep, perennial love, eternal love, love and nothingbut love, love in common, love for all and not owned but given, loveabundant, love one-pointed in establishing itself as it is, as it is theway of life, for love is to be known, and love is to take over, andlove is to be known as love is which is all that there is.

Nothingholds sway in the face of love. Nothing exists but love. Nothingcompares, even if something existed to compare love with which it doesnot.

There is an attunement to love on Earth in this moment. Allhearts are beating anew, set to the Stillness of My heart, yetthrobbing still and making music like a chorus of cicadas. Love is here.Hearts are joined. Life begins.
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