Today we wish to write about Atlantis and how all was one; all was one with the universe, the stars, the solar system, the galaxy and beyond... Children were expected to grow into their fulfilled adulthood, being a valued member of the community, respected, honoured and loved and emotionally balanced and harmonious...All people being of equal value...Thus children were encouraged from an early age to be part of the communal life, learning and absorbing the wisdom and knowledge of the Elders and Wisers


by Lindsay Ball




Life in Atlantis – following your True Path



“Today we wish to write about Atlantis and how all was one; all was one with the universe, the stars, the solar system, the galaxy and beyond. For all is energy and all is part of the oneness and the beauty and the glory. We have seen how relationships between people were respectful, allowing each person to be an individual and follow their true path – within the boundaries of these guidelines set out for this experiment.


From childhood they could choose which direction to follow, for some it may be more creative and for others more scientific or productive, and all aspects were of equal value to themselves and to the community. For why, dear ones, would you wish to squeeze yourself into a form of life that does not suit you, a form that does not fit you if you like, a form that another person has imposed on you because of their own limited beliefs and values? How can this serve you well, or indeed how can it serve them well, for they are going against all natural laws of individuality and personal spiritual growth, for one soul is very separate from another and the needs of that soul cannot be determined by another and nor should they try to do this.


And so as children grow and develop and try different aspects of life, does it not make sense that they are encouraged to pursue those things which serve them well, which are a good energy match, rather than be forced to follow a route that is not their own? And dear ones, when life is not about monetary gain, or status or material goods or false glamour then children are free to pursue those things which resonate with them because that is their natural path.


Personal and Soul Growth


As they develop they may change direction, they may move onto something else and this is equally productive because they may have fulfilled that part or aspect that they came down here to experience and having fulfilled this aspect, are then free to move on to another aspect of their fulfilment.




And with each subject or topic that they are drawn to look into, they were able to receive appropriate downloads which were readily and easily available to them and because this was one of their request – under supervision naturally – the energies were all in balance and harmony for they desired it and welcomed it and the knowledge was appropriate to where they were at that stage.

All learning accumulated was done with lightness and brightness, not with fear and dread of not passing exams, or of pleasing someone, or of not getting that level of education deemed necessary. So the learning was enjoyed for its own sake, something to be anticipated, relished, enjoyed and benefited from as part of their personal and soul growth.


And in accordance with all that is, the energies were joyful, balanced, harmonious and this benefited not only the children but the whole community, for as we know energies flow, move and disperse and affect all those around you, so a happy contented, fulfilled, relaxed, stimulated, encouraged, loved and supported child would be in a good energy with information downloads received without stress or pressure of any kind.


Assistance from Crystals


As we have said before crystals were used in childhood to stimulate learning, to create a supportive environment for learning and to assist children in any emotional areas of their development, for again this was part of their learning, part of their reason for being on Earth and part of their natural development. Children were expected to grow into their fulfilled adulthood, being a valued member of the community, respected, honoured and loved and emotionally balanced and harmonious. All people being of equal value played a part in the community and like the Lemurians they felt this aspect of their lives was to be taken seriously with consideration.


In providing children with love, support, respect and honour, assistance from crystals and guidance from the Elders and Wisers, they developed into loving, creative, fully-fledged members of the community and thus this was a good foundation for an organised, civilised race and community.

So you can see how all this fits together and how wonderful to allow children to develop their artistic, musical, creative talents which would help their development and provide great enjoyment and entertainment for the community? Can you see, sense, feel the beautiful energies that would emanate from the community camp fires, where these creative people sang and danced, recited stories or poems? Can you see how these beautiful energies would flow and glow and grow and spread out and around benefiting all living beings, all forms of life, the water, the sky, the planets and not forgetting Mother Earth herself; so these beautiful harmonious energies would be absorbed and integrated into Mother Earth and sent deep down into the links, grids, crystalline grids and so on for the further betterment of all?




And now, dear ones, briefly, for we do not wish to dwell on this – imagine children being coerced into a form of life that does not resonate with them, where they are forced to follow or pursue subjects, learning’s that do not resonate with them, that are not part of that which they chose to learn here on Earth. Can you see how this might irritate, how it may feel uncomfortable, how it takes energy to fight against this imposition? Or alternatively, to stop fighting and struggling, to give up and go along with these strictures and regimes that are alien to their soul. This my friends does not paint such a good picture as these children who blossom and grow in love and acceptance.

And so these children who do not know how to follow their own path, who feel confused and disorientated, who are separated from their soul path, become troubled and confused and at sea with their inner reality. This is not a state we would recommend.

And as these children grow, they are not harmonious or at ease but discordant, their energies are not joyful and harmonious and so this creates more discordance for all people and all living beings and Mother Earth herself.


Freedom and Love in Atlantis


And so, as children grew and developed with freedom and love in Atlantis, it set the corner stone or foundation if you will, for a successful community, a loving, fully embracing, mature community. That is not to say that “issues” as you call them, did not arise, for that was part of their continued growth, and decisions needed to be made on a regular basis, but whenever everyone is coming from a mature, whole, complete standpoint, the decisions were not about control, or ego or domination but about the best decision for all concerned, the best outcome for the good of all. And so “issues” were discussed and debated calmly and joyously and meditations took place to confirm and receive information on these decisions.


Thus children were encouraged from an early age to be part of the communal life, learning and absorbing the wisdom and knowledge of the Elders and Wisers, they could spend time in their presence, absorbing and watching and interacting in a calm and carefree way and once they were old enough to be an active part of the community then they had their tasks and their roles to play.

So everyone was equal, valued and honoured and this inclusivity of children helped them learn how the community was organised and how important it was for each individual to do their part, for this then created the magnificent whole, the heart, the centre, the meaning for all their experiments. As each individual continued on their path of soul growth, development, creativity and so on, so too the community itself grew as one in unity and glory and beauty.


And this aspect of individuality and oneness also represents Mother Earth as an individual planet and her oneness with all that is, with all the universe, galaxies and beyond and as all separate elements, be it people, planets, crystals or whatever, link together in their individual glory, so too do they unite together in a magnificent oneness, a unity with all that is. And so, dear friends, we leave you with this thought, that your own personal story, your own growth is of great value to you and as you develop and grow along your path, it is of great value to the whole, you are part of it and it is part of you, and we are all part of Source. How magnificent is that?




"And so till time again we say goodbye with, as always, our greatest love.”



enlightening message channelled from The Crystal Team through Lindsay


The Crystal Team channelled through
Lindsay Ball - Atlantean Crystal Master
Copyright @ Lindsay Ball

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