An Open Letter from
Dr. Peter Gariaev,the Father of "Wave-genetics"
Date: 10/30/2005
In particular, we have found itpossible to regenerate endocrine glands in animals. By thesame means,we have significantly curbed the aging process in humancells andeven grown new adult human teeth in individuals who had lostthem.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Currently, we have a situation in genetics, molecularbiology and medicine in general, that is simultaneouslyparadoxicaland promising. Long ago, science decided to investigate thehumangenetic code. Science has now completed the 10-year-longeffort tomap the DNA sequences of human beings, known collectively asthe genome.All of the letters and sequences of human DNA are now known.
Owing to these preliminary results, the forces of transgeneticengineering have been gathering momentum. Already,scientists haveintroduced artificial gene sequences into plants, animalsand bacteria,which are being used as carriers of such artificiallyintroduced genes.Such experiments have been thought to hold great potentialfor humanhealth applications, promising possible cures for manydiseases anddisabilities as well as the creation of disease-resistantfoods--meaninggreater abundance of food.
Paradoxically, however, the more success we have insuch genetic and molecular biology technologies, the furtherwe seemto be from understanding the actual foundationalprinciples--the innerworkings--of genetic codes. To date, successes in thisdirection havemainly been concerned with functions of particular genesequencesthat fabricate various proteins, the building materials fromwhichcells are made.
These particular gene sequences occupy only 2% of thegenetic memory found in chromosomes. The other 98%, themajor partof chromosomes, is not understood by mainstream genetics,and hasfor some odd reason been labeled as "junk" DNA. Manyhypotheseshave been brought forward to attempt to account for theexistenceof this "junk" DNA--from suggesting that it might act as"assistants" for primary DNA sequences, to theorizing thatthis 98% of DNA arises as a "cemetery of viruses"--a ratherdifficult notion.
To ignore, or so poorly understand, the role of this98% of the human genome is an appreciable error. Moreover,whetherwe correctly grasp the role of the genetic informationrepresentedby the known 2% of DNA is still in question--especially whenthe other98% is presently terra incognita, unknown territory.
It is fair to say that we currently understand DNA onlydimly. This is obvious because at our present level ofgenetic knowledge,we cannot completely cure cancer, resist AIDS, defeattuberculosis,or prolong the lives of people beyond 100 years.
The initially bright promises of the creations of transgeneticresearch have actually turned out only dangerous hybridfoodstuffsthat are extremely hazardous to the biosphere on which ourvery livesdepend. The cloning of animals has produced only ugly anduselesscreatures, or animals that grow old and die abnormallyquickly, asin the well-known case of the cloned sheep, Dolly.
How are we to transcend this condition of an abundanceof flawed and dangerous experiments, where many inconsistentand hazardousresults are caused by a lack of any proper understanding ofDNA anda dramatic deficiency in grasping the foundational operatingprinciplesof the human genome?
In order to achieve success in our attempts to treatvarious medical problems and curb the processes of humanaging, itis clearly necessary to understand the languages by whichcells communicate.To some extent, those of us who have pioneered the field of"wave-genetics"have managed to accomplish this. It appears that thelanguages wewere looking for exist, in fact, in the 98% or "junk" DNAcontained in our own genetic apparatus. The foundationalprincipleof these genetic languages is similar to the language ofholographicimages as well as texts constructed from human speech.
What gives us this new knowledge? The answer is thatwe now understand these mechanisms. We have experimentedbroadly withboth the physical processes and mathematical descriptions ofthesegenetically guided informational functions. We have builtsophisticatedlaboratory equipment and mathematical apparatuses that allowus toaccurately model the informational functions of the livingcell andall of its DNA, including the neuron network.
Such devices represent the first "quantum biocomputers."These devices have allowed us: 1) to carry out distant(multi-kilometer)transfers of genetic/metabolic information in the form ofspecialphysical fields; 2) to introduce this information into humanbiosystems;and 3) to perform strategic management functions concernedwith biosystems,biochemical systems, and actual physiological conditions.
In particular, we have found it possible to regenerateendocrine glands in animals. By the same means, we havesignificantlycurbed the aging process in human cells and even grown newadult humanteeth in individuals who had lost them.
Frustratingly, even with such documented successes,the mainstream scientific establishment is such that I havefoundit difficult to maintain funding for my work in my homecountry ofRussia. If you or someone you know are interested inassisting me,I am willing to relocate if necessary to continue myresearch andwould love to establish a dialogue to possibility.
Copyright (c) 2005 by Peter Gariaev. All RightsReserved.
[Peter Gariaev, Ph.D.,is renowned for his discovery of the "DNA Phantom Effect"and as one of the founders of Wave-based Genetics. The basicconceptof the revolutionary approach to morphogenesis proposed anddevelopedby Dr. Gariaev's team of geneticists and linguists combinesphysicalmodels of holographic associative memory and mathematicalformalismhaving to do with intrinsic wave patterns in DNA. Theunderlying principlesof holographic storage and solitonic wave transfer ofmorphogeneticinformation reveal previously unknown "ener-genetic" aspectsof biological systems functioning. This new insight into thenatureof morphogenesis makes it possible to treat the genome as aholographicbio-computer that generates endogenous solitonic acousticand electromagnetic(sound and light) waves to carry 4D epigenetic (alternativecoding)information used by biosystems for spatial and temporalself-organizing.In other words, this new model of genetic creationestablishes theprimacy of energetic, as opposed to biochemical, activity indirectingcellular metabolism and replication--a notion that, whenfinally acceptedby the mainstream, will radically transform genetic science.For moreinformation:
Contact Dr. Gariaev by email at
Reprinted from the September 2005 issue of DNA MONTHLY,your free online resource for cutting-edge news about whoyou trulyare.