I keep it short... ..:)
So Drome went out tonight to the local party of the village where I live.
It is called "Lichtweek > Light-week), and a heavy lightning storm went over this area.
I went to the place of party, drunk some beers, talked with friends, watched the lightning.
I have seen some very very interesting entities in the sky.
Lightning decloakes UFO's. Hundreds of enlightened things where visible when the lightning striked.
Drome here takes his glue of Love and smudges it onto your face...
..Much Love,
[extra content; Needed to publish this post - lol]
I am empty in my head, and Love the little fly flying around my head.
Insectoids aren't bad, they are Earth in advanced form. This One is a little, 3 milimeters in length, but oh so wonderfull.
Oh and btw, Drome here is in Love... ..to all.
I have seen a a girl tonight, and I became stunned. There is Love and Love, what is the difference?