Lightships, Portals & the Consciousness Field ✨



Dear Ground Crew Friends,

Greetings and love, it's been a while since I've posted here at the AC forum, recent months have been full and ‘on the wing’, as star family continue to work toward Open Contact, encompassing many variables within the global and collective trajectory, quietly anchoring Galactic New Earth with all willing hearts, within this year’s turbulence. Continued heartfelt gratitude to everyone holding peaceful focus with Universal Love and Compassion within the collective field during this amplified phase in the shifting, unfolding planetary rebirth. 💛

For this post, we’ll share a little ‘snapshot’ of some of the lightships, beautiful emanations and energies aligning here during the last three months, that peaked through the Solstice and this year’s Lion’s Gate during August with another great influx of high cosmic vibrations flowing as shifts within the Shift. Star family are continuously active around the planet supporting this phase of unity consciousness budding amid confusion and disarray, and we’ll focus here with a few particular days/nights when loving ones were revealing their ships and forms most clearly, beginning on the night of June 8th with multiple transmissions.

The first lightship emanation that night came through a spectrum of soft amethyst, purple, violet and rose hues, which can be seen in the rim of a giant orb that just clipped the top left of the photo below, with the ship flashing brightly beneath it on an alignment between the orb and Alpha and Beta Centauri. You can see one corner of this triangular ship brilliantly lit, with two more corner lights dimly visible. A curvature of the brightest lit corner gives the impression of the ship spinning around (or it could be a curved ship). The rim of the giant orb, when enlarged, reveals numerous figures, transmitting purple, violet and rose light, the colour vibrations of compassion, clearing and transformation, with rose light activating the higher heart in humanity, kindness, empathy, and divine love embracing all.




This beautiful transmission was anchored through Alpha and Beta Centaurian ships, with two of them (the two lights at the left of the frame below) flashing simultaneously with an orb to the right, close to Alpha and Beta Centauri. There’s a softly formed green face in the orb, with gentle eyes and slightly elongated head. The orb has a watercolour quality, symbolizing their origin from a watery planet. You can see the two ships have a long triangular shape, in watery blues and greens. The brighter of the two ships almost looks like a spiral seashell, and was indeed spiralling at that moment, drawing in dense, dissonant energies and transmuting them through its light (and sound, the lightships use sound frequencies, harmonics and geometries to rearrange and realign chaotic energies).



Another Centaurian ship can be see in the top right of the next photo, with a large green-reddish orb between it and Beta Centauri at the lower left. I had a sense of this ship energetically untangling a heavy astral-etheric mesh and transmuting it. Thanks starry friends.


This beautiful coordination was followed on June 18th by a spectular light sequence from the Meri’Ashar mothership, also in the southern nightsky, beginning in a similar position to the triangular lightship on the 8th, then moving in a gradual curve across the sky before stationing to the west, recorded in a series of nine photos. Firstly, this beautiful light aqua, gold and rose orb projected from the Meri’Ashar, then several brilliant flashes from the ship’s interior, with a feminine form emerging from bright white light toward the right.




In the following photo, with the brightness reduced, Ashura can be seen standing at the left of what was now an opened light portal through the ship, in a guarding position, in the appearance of a knight in armour, holding a beam of aqua light across his front, toward the left, with more forms subtly visible within the portal.



The next frame shows the photo at the top of this post, and below I’ve reduced the brightness further, so the forms within the portal can be seen more easily. Ashura is still standing at the left, but now clearly in the form of his 5D soul expression Arnap, in an emerald green long sleeved top over dark green pants, with many loving beings gathered and ushering arrivals who can be seen as small grey beings in the foreground of the portal.



Here, a grey orb at lower left is heading toward the mothership-portal, with another grey orb ‘docked’ at the right side of it. In recent months, waves of beings from the denser 4D frequency layers around the Earth have continued moving away from control-oriented groups they’ve been involved with, and reaching out to the Ashtar Command for amnesty and safe passage. We’ll reiterate here that these beings are received with love, and guided back into love, peace and respect for all life, from various states of veiling and (self)deception. It’s not only humanity that’s in a process of inner remembering and reconnection, within this Shift….and in the second photo below you can see how the grey orb started to take on rainbow colours as it neared the mothership’s open light portal. Deep transformations.



This major release and clearing continued into June 19th, reflected in the clouds and in the movements of a pair of hawks, who danced and spiralled around a ‘cloud cliff’ which a subtly outlined portal reflected through as they flew.










With one of the hawks almost in front of the ‘doorway’, a black object (which I read as a remotely controlled device) popped into view. With a feline face peeping between the clouds above, the hawk pair then hovered below the portal as the device aligned directly with it, was drawn through it, and vanished.




The birds then passed across the portal in unison, and as they flew away, the clouds dissolved.


Coming into July, we focused closely with the 7~7 Gateway (celebrated in China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam as the festival of the divine lovers, Vega and Altair, alpha stars of Lyra and Aquila, on the 7th day of the 7th month each year), starting with a light activation at the ‘landing pad node’ on July 3rd (see this post for last year’s 7~7 alignment at the landing pad). The crystal pattern on the node-stone is connected with this crop circle, reported on June 28th in Wiltshire UK, with 11 crystals around a central round quartz and an outer circle, oriented to the north. Crop circles can have many layers of symbolism, and with this geometry we were aligning with the symbolism of a parent universe wrapped around this universe and 11 sibling universes.


On July 7th, this beautiful aqua, teal and violet orb appeared above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with presences subtly forming within it, especially a feminine form (circled below), with the face of a lion in blue to her left. I feel the vibration of the parent universe, which I hear as the Mu Universe, emanating through this orb and forms.



The next few nights were full of activity (light flashes and orbs) around Alpha Centauri, again in massive clearing mode, with a vivid green ship flash on July 11 below Alpha Centauri-Southern Cross. Enlarged, there’s a being with an intense stare looking out from this ship as it left (was escorted out of) the Earth’s vibrational field. With the photo turned around, this being re-forms as a ‘classic UFO image’ of a saucer-shaped ship with a beam of light flooding from beneath it, and we’ll just say here, those particular beings (engaged in abductions and experimentation) are departing now, as the vibrational Shift of the Earth continues into a Disclosure and pre-Open Contact phase…with those who are here with deeper love, empathy and respect for all life-forms. 



In the vibration of this pre-Open Contact phase, we’ll go back for a moment to March, and a brilliant golden light emanation from Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix. This was in the nightsky to the north during the March Equinox, high above the golden star Capella, flashing for an instant like a golden rainbow prism, during an attunement with Capella (see the photo at the top of this post from 2018), a star with which the Ashtar Command is closely connected.


Turned around, there are beings in many colours along the front of this visual transmission from the Phoenix, with a masculine face in the background in blue hues, representing the overlighting focus of Archangel Michael, the guiding light of the Blue Ray, of which Ashtar is a soul emanation focusing into 5-6D, aligning the golden frequency of primary harmonic creation, radiating through the ‘goldenprint’ of the Phoenix and countless loving beings.


I’m feeling to share here that when I first visibly sighted lightships in late 2011 and began connecting intuitively with star family, and with Ashtar, his first counsel to me was to let go of every belief and every thought I had ever used to structure my reality, to let it all go, to centre in my heart, and stand upon a clean slate, so to speak, of infinite, unboundaried pure white light, and from that place of deep stillness and simplicity, just see what landed on that slate, in that light, authentically and gracefully. Over the years since then, as deeper subconscious layers surfaced along the way, I returned to that clean slate several times, jettisoned everything, and stayed present to seeing and feeling what landed there, as more submerged beliefs and constructs (personal and collective) surfaced, to be released with love into the light. Each time I’ve done this, my perception has shifted and expanded, and if I feel an inner nudge to clean slate my perceptions again, I choose to be open to more expansion, more fine-tuning, just flowing and open to the Love that is within and all around.

When we experience catalyzed awareness of a wider vista than the collective consensus reality of the day, it’s easy to overlook the most deeply entrained responses, socially and philosophically conditioned outlooks, and dualized ideological, political, practical and spiritual models that have become ingrained in humanity’s concepts of life (and death), the world, purpose, and the nature of evolution…that act as mental and emotional filters imbuing human perceptions. Being in a human body has built-in sensory formats through which we interpret energies, information and vibrations via the specific ‘reception bandwidths’ of our physical senses and subtle senses, which align connectivity through a collective field of consciousness filled with imprints in the etheric, plasmatic and astral planes, radiating from the collective psyche of humanity and various associated entities…some loving and kind, coming from vast overviews, radiating warmth, grace and clarity, some more focused on power, oriented to control, some who study, collate and observe, which could be for their own gain, or for benevolent purposes, depending on their state of consciousness.

Spiritual, philosophical and psychological paradigms arise from states of consciousness that tend to attach to them as fundamental truths…until frequencies in a field shift, and ideations of ‘the real’ begin to shift, open and transform. We’re in such a shift on and with the Earth now, in a phase which feels pressurized while many still hold onto and energize (with beliefs and emotions) disaster catharsis dynamics in the collective field, filtering the shift through conceptual filters as though they are real, when duality is just one among numerous energy formats, that opens naturally into unity in the presence of universal love. To crystallize this a little, we’ll bring a slightly different perspective to some concepts currently energized in the Earth field and in spiritual discourses, by posing a few ‘what if’s’ (you don’t have to agree, lovely readers, we just ask you to consider, with these few examples, that what can appear as fundamental, universal truths may be imprinted with projections and ideations within the collective psyche’s vibrational field, and can benefit from a little clearing):

What if: Earth is not a school. That it is not, and never was, in its primary vibration, about learning lessons, passing tests, striving through adversity, overcoming obstacles, ‘growing’ through pain, struggles, battles or suffering, winning or losing, in a no pain-no gain paradigm. What if: experiencing, via extension of soul expressions into vibrational planes of contrast, is not about dualism, learning to balance opposites, or veiling our consciousness under amnesia in order to grow and evolve, as a quest of the Infinite Source to learn about itself and expand through learning about itself as countless fractals.

What if: The Infinite Source already, always knows itself infinitely, unconditionally, omnisciently, from macro to micro, from omniverse to picoparticle, intimately and limitlessly…and that its primary impulse for expressing itself through an infinitude of waves, dimensions, forms and focus-points of its consciousness is simply the motion of the joy of Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, expressing itself, everywhere and everywhen, as a radiance of pure creativity…that is flowing, shaping, unshaping, reshaping, as naturally as breathing in, breathing out, beloved of itself in every emanation, without ‘hierarchies’ of itself, simply emanating as minutely focused through to vastly expansive expressions of its consciousness and awareness.

What if: Emanations within the expressive field of the Source that have forgotten or veiled the primary impulse of creating for the joy of creating, funnelling the primary impulse through dualized ideations, tests, battles, pain and struggle, are experiencing and ideating through a secondary frequency that acts like static noise in a radio signal…where the signal itself is continuously transmitting, but the clarity of the transmission is slightly (or heavily) masked by the static crackle.

What if: The Source, in its infinite awareness and infinite presence in and as every creative emanation, is sending shimmering pulses through its primary transmission, that activate its expressions to transcend the static ~ not by imposing control, which would restrict and stagnate the waves of expression, nor by judging or destroying its own expressions ~ but by continuously emitting stronger pulses through the primary impulse of creation, into every field, plane and dimension of expression, activating the primary impulse another frequency notch, encompassing all emanations, that emanations focusing through third and fourth dimensional/density waves translate as unveiling, remembering who/what they are, connecting with universal consciousness, experiencing or reactivating a blissful sense of oneness with Source and all life.

And what if: When we let go and let ourselves immerse in the Source, in the transmission, within the primary impulse of joy of expression, the consciousness field of humanity and many beings becomes visible, tangible, sensible to us. An interweaving telepathic field of sounds, telempathic field of feelings, psychic field of presences, collective projections and realms, that the ‘static blurring the signal’ shapes into specific constructs that we believe to be the nature of reality, identifying, acting and reacting to them…until we embrace the shimmering pulses of the Source flowing to and through us, and the stickiness of the static and connected constructs wanes, ultimately dissolving back into the Infinite Love that frees the motion of all energies, creating through natural harmonics in infinite, free-flowing variations.

From this view, dualism dissolves, karma concepts dissolve, contrast becomes an experience of diverse range rather than oppositions. The telepathic, psychic, telempathic field clarifies, becomes transparent, the static recedes, no longer strongly flavouring and colouring the view, and eventually not at all. ‘Blue pills and red pills’ dissolve, the hold of either/or choices dissolves as the infinite infolding, unfolding, ascending, inscending, transcending, love-sending dynamics of creation unfurl and vibrate within our living awareness. In this awareness, we are free to interpret our experiences as journeying, as learning, or teaching, guiding or healing, testing our mettle, if that gives us joy…but we’ll be aware of this as an interpretation, for the joy of it, rather than projecting and identifying with constructs that arise from a ‘secondary programme’ in the froth of the static that appears as reality in slower frequency dimensional bands. If this perspective resonates for you, tune into how it feels in your heart, your mind, your body …and enJoy! And if it doesn’t, align your inner well-spring of love and joy through what does resonate for you clearly in this moment!

From our view, shimmering pulses are constantly streaming and pillaring into this Earth plane, charging and strengthening Galactic New Earth light-grids, profound shifts in consciousness, love for all beings and peaceful expansive awareness. In the words of the Dalai Lama, ‘External disarmament depends on internal disarmament.’ There’s a primary impulse for Universal Love innately present within ourselves and every living being, and when we attune to it with deep trust and inner peace, we radiate it through the collective consciousness of humanity, the Earth field and beyond, for the well-being of all beings, as naturally as breathing.



Wishing you well, beautiful souls. Love, Joy and Peace to All on Earth & Everywhere,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends  🥰🌺



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  • Thanks dear Star Sister! Always a joy to share...Love and Heart Hugs winging your way 🥰💛 xo
  • Beautiful!!!!!! Thank you for sharing :)
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