
In an earlier series, I looked at what Archangel Michael said recently about this new phase of lightwork opening up. (1)

“It is time for that assumption of leadership responsibility to be front and center,” he said. “In order for the practical building blocks to be in place, there has need to be a very strong re-assumption of leadership.” (2)

He was talking to the Nova Earth Team. He distinguished two phases in our service – the community-building phase and the leadership-building phase.

“It was very important to build community. That was the task at hand. Unity, community and understanding of the process of reliability, of sincerity, a connectedness that built the sense of Light Worker Community, of heart to heart to heart community. That has been achieved.

“But now, as wayshowers, there has need to be someone, and many someone’s, at the head of the line saying, ‘This way.’” (3)

Most of us in society have been so betrayed by our leadership or so dumbed down and socially lethargic that we have little trust in anyone who steps forth as a leader.

But here we have the celestials inviting it from all of us. We are the new leaders.

That makes sense to me. We already knew we were starseeds, mostly angels, and here to assist with Ascension. Now we’re being asked to let go of all our considerations about leaders and become them ourselves.

What is personal power, upon which leadership is based? First of all, personal power is entirely spiritual. There isn’t a physical component to it.

It’s impacted by other spiritual phenomena – knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, desires, everything fed to the individual by the mind and senses, feelings and heart. We tend to validate and come from or invalidate and betray our personal power based on our responses to our appraisals, fears and doubts.

It may be indirectly impacted by the physical conditions of the body, like fatigue, malnutrition, temperature, etc. I say “indirectly” because sages like Ramana Maharshi have shown that even fatal cancer cannot directly impinge on our consciousnesses necessarily. In his case, sahaja samadhi allowed him to divorce himself from the pain of the body.

Personal power is not like great love or deep wisdom. Great love is a matter of the heart; deep wisdom of the intellect tempered by the heart. But personal power is a matter of the will.

We tend to think of the will as something that pushes or pulls and that’s it. For me, the will is more than that. For me, the will is an intelligent and spiritually-powerful faculty, just like the mind is a faculty, that has the function of motivating the individual to begin action, continue, or stop and that influences how we carry it out. Will furnishes us with the motivation and power, direction and endurance, quality and intensity.

Leaders soon find that the mere assertion of will, without the will being guided by discernment and tempered by love, may work for a moment (we win the battle) but it won’t work in the long run (we lose the war).

As far as I can see, will guided by discernment and tempered by love is what determines whether people will listen to us. It determines whether anyone will join with us. And it determines whether we and they will persevere to the end together.

Will has substantiality and presence, intelligence and strength. I sometimes personalize it when I talk about “Big Steve” and “Little Steve.” Big Steve is the will.

I feel the will most clearly as a quality when I take an in-breath. Somewhere near the top of the in-breath, the will kicks in and I can feel its confidence-instilling quality.

When I feel it in full force, I feel, along with it, stable and capable. Once when I had a half-hour experience of the will, the only word I could find to describe it was “regal.”

The substantiality of the will is not the substantiality of greed and lust, which are dense. This higher substantiality doesn’t leave us feeling dense or dull. It leaves us feeling able and strong.

The trick for potential leaders is to marry this sense of personal power, this sense of will, with discernment and love. I’ve seen in my life that unloving ways lead to tragedy. I don’t want to keep going down that tunnel with no cheese.

As we know, life has a purpose and a plan, (4) and it follows that there are uses of the will that further them and uses that don’t. Sri Krishna tells us that, spiritually, the will is our greatest ally and our greatest enemy.

“Man’s will is the only
Friend of the Atman
[i.e., the soul, Self, or Christ]:
His will is also
The Atman’s enemy.” (5)

It’s our greatest ally when it controls our senses and allows us to concentrate on the heart, soul or Atman. Says Sri Krishna:

“The truly admirable man controls his sense by the power of his will. All his actions are disinterested. All are directed long the path to union with Brahman [i.e, God the Father] (6)

Karma yoga is the yoga of service. In building Nova Earth, all of us are practicing karma yoga. Of it, Krishna says: “In this yoga, the will is directed singly toward one ideal. When a man lacks this discrimination, his will wanders in all directions.” (7) The single ideal for most of us is the Divine Mother, the Creator, Preserver, and Transformer of the universe.

Those whose discernment is lacking “grow deeply attached to pleasure and power. And so they are unable to develop that concentration of the will which leads a man to absorption in God.” (8)

Absorption in God is the goal of existence. The will plays an important part in concentrating the attention on God – whether conceived of as the soul or Self in the heart, an ideal form like Jesus or Krishna, or in any other meaningful way. Sri Krishna tells us:

“Whatever path men travel
Is my path:
No matter where they walk
It leads to me.” (9)

The Divine Plan itself can be put in one word: Love. Or we could write a book about it and barely scratch the surface. The best guidance I’ve heard on the right use of will to serve the Divine Plan came from Archangel Michael recently:

“When your heart is clear, not simply your mind, but your heart and your fields – because if your heart is clear, your fields become clear – then you are [i.e., your will is] in direct alignment and service to the Mother and there can be no mis-step.” (10)

Clarifying the mind and purifying the heart are advised before using the will in service. If the heart is pure and the mind is clear, AAM says, whatever use of the will we make serves.

In my view, bending the will to the service of the One is a spiritual practice that never ends and pays dividends out of all proportion to the energy expended. Now is the phase of our lightwork where we’re being called upon to make right use of the will, reclaim our personal power, and serve as leaders.

All channeled material from Linda Dillon is copyright by the Council of Love, Inc., and is used with permission.


(1) “Leadership Is in the Air – Part 1/2,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/06/leadership-air/ and “Leadership Is in the Air – Part 2/2,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/07/leadership-is-in-the-air-part-22/

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 3, 2015.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) The purpose of life is for us to know our true identity as God. The Divine Plan sets up the conditions by which sentient beings can realize their true identity.

(5) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 64.

(6) Ibid., 45.

(7) Ibid., 39.

(8) Ibid., 40.

(9) Ibid., 51.

(10) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., Dec. 11, 2013.

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