Lightworkers are waiting for the TRIGGER event.

This is a rather brief post that highlights something that ive been noticing with increasing frequency.

Many of my friends and a number of other people ive encountered have all told me stories about how they are wanting to Move somewhere else, or engage in some kind of project. Maybe they want to hook up with someone they've fallen in love with.

But in each case there is like -1- piece of the puzzle that is still missing, which is forcing them to continue living some limited reality they feel stifled in.

Im in the same boat, too, for which my Higher Self has told me that "the time has been set" for me to receive my means too.


Folks, what I believe is that on a subconscious level ALL of us "special folks" are working together as a collective, and we have all forseen some kind of Event which is getting ready to take place.

And we have all rallied behind that event... as being the starting gun for us to move into our Full Power and our Full Purpose.


It makes alot of sense... because then all of us will be synchronized in our Efforts... and in the increased Light that we will be bringing to the world.

And I believe most of us are getting Moved around so that we're going to be in a Safe Place when the storm sweeps across our society. Either that or our Energies are being removed from an area so that we aren't maintaining the balance for it... and put somewhere else where they will be more beneficial to the whole. 

Your high vibrations are powerful - they probably affect the whole neighborhood - maybe even the whole town where you live. Unfortunately those energies can help sustain constructs in our society that should be left to collapse.



This is like the proverbial spiritual D-Day that's getting ready to happen.

Unfortunately I do believe it could be a False Flag attack that sets this whole thing off... this Iran thing is the most likely candidate (but whatever it is, its big or has big future implications).

But when some big tragedy or attack occurs here in the near future, look to it as a Sign that you're going to be getting everything that you personally desire if you're experiencing something like what I have described.

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  • I can't wait.

    I'm in the same situation.

    I have a theory:

     To allow us to experience the shift more strongly, to come from such a state of lack to a highest state of abundance. This allows the dualities of our existence to be more strongly felt, and allow us to deeply experience the change more significantly. 

    Like Bashar said, the further the rubber band is pulled back, the further it can fly. 

  • I agree with your thoughts about that we are waiting for a "trigger." I often wonder how I have ended up in Reno so far from my home. Everyday I miss my home and family, but there is something pushing me to stay and do something. I will know at the time. In the meantime, my mission is healing my body so I may be here for my calling.

    These are things I never would have thought about 3 years ago. I believe the energy is shifting causing massive activation changes. Whether the changes are good or bad is left up to the people experiencing them.

    Peace For All

  • I am wholeheartedly sorry that I didn't start shouting from the rooftops when I discovered the major secret of life on Earth. I know now that it is the "Trigger Event" everyone seems to be waiting for, but I don't really know how to tell everyone in a way that a) doesn't make me sound crazy, and b) won't be stolen by someone else for profit. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to speak to the widest audience for the smallest price! SuperBowl commercials are expensive!

  • I am entrenched in public society, moving around the suburb centres.....I listen...Pockets of society are feeling a sense of change, bigger than themselves. I describe it as, an air of excited uneasiness .....

  • This piece is a beautiful resonation for the nation  ! Peace

  • I feel as you do.

  • One curious thought I just had was that it could be the Polar Shift... that could happen at any time basically. One source I heard said when the magnetic field reaches a certain point of strength (its getting weaker) the poles will suddenly reverse.

    That, can happen outside the necessity of these human events, and it could happen before 12/21 also. The magnetic field doesn't have to hit O either... it could reach a certain point like 50% and then suddenly flips upside down.

    A super powerful solar storm might also cause it too, by shocking the magnetic field with enough strength to destablize it.


    I don't think it will have an effect on the motion of the planet or the land masses, like other people do, but boy it would sure be one hell of a ride for people Emotionally. That's pretty much when the Old World would tear itself apart.

  • Personally I want this "Trigger" to happen absolutely as fast as possible.

    My household is falling apart, I can barely feed myself. In order to get the Resources that I need I must be allowed to Move Forward - I have to be able to step into my Full Power.

    I cannot Grow... until then... so I have a very obvious personal stake in all of these things being set into motion.


    No KH - the Disclosure (of either type) isn't going to happen until After this so-called Trigger takes place. It wouldn't happen until all of us lightworkers had already been shuffled around and put in our most ideal (strategic) locations. Because that's when all hell would break loose - so logically speaking we would all have been Enabled by then and moved out of harm's way.

  • To be honest, cause that ALL that I AM..... there are triggers, within triggers.....but yes, to "sum" ( return to full consciousness ) it up in ONE word:




    Out with "The Old" with "The New"......."WE" see you.........Everywhere......
  • There just maybe a trigger, it sure feels that way. I dont' care what it is, I just know I trust my heart and I trust myself to do what I need to do. That's the most important part no matter what happens inside, outside, or around me today or forever. I can definitely say I already have a particular place in mind wheter it exsists in the physical or not I'm still going and I will enjoy the peace and freedom with earnesty. I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned because they prepared me to do the things I need to do in the future. I definitely have a place in mind that I could live in whenever the crap hits the fan, and it's so beautiful and simple it can't even be put into words. Trust yourself, and trust your own strength. I know I have to.

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