Lightworkers Thriving Amidst Difficulty

 Written by Wes Annac

The increasingly-pure energies we’re being delivered are intensifying exponentially and heating everything up. Duality has been turned-up to extreme proportions lately, and I notice this in effect in my personal Life and on the world stage.

Personally; I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier. I’ve never felt more fulfilled, or experienced more continual validations of the reality of my mission on this planet. I’ve never felt more whole; more at peace; more at home on this planet.

I read a recent message that stated this planet is not our home, and to try to treat it as such is akin to keeping our vibration low. Speaking from my personal experience of late, I can say that I’m feeling a full-on anchoring of heaven (our original home) unto Earth and, quite truthfully – for the first time in a long time, this planet really and truly does feel like home.

I, like many of you, am here to help uplift this world. Earth has been broken and lost for so long and now, there’s a plethora of awakening people who understand the need to bring-about real change that works for and takes into account the needs of every individual.

I didn’t feel at home here for quite a while, because I recognized everything about this world that just doesn’t resonate with me or doesn’t seem to take into account the needs of every citizen. Previously, this world felt dark; cold; uncaring; and I felt like I didn’t belong because those lower-dimensional qualities no longer resonated with me.

Lately, an Earth has emerged before me that’s far different from what I used to perceive. I see an Earth of beauty; of harmony; of people truly caring for one another, rather than leaving each other by the wayside.

I recognize that this doesn’t reflect the experiences many of you are potentially having, and I recognize as well that I’ll likely experience facets of this Earth in the future that I don’t agree with.

Just because there are lower, discordant energies floating around here in need of understanding and eventual transmutation, doesn’t mean the increasingly-pure energies and perceptions descending down onto us now don’t have to be just as strong, or even stronger.

Just because people could laugh-off what so many of us know in our hearts and minds to be reality, doesn’t mean that the intensely-intricate discussions we’ve been blessed with having with myriad ascended beings, are any less real.

Just because pain and suffering are prevalent on this world and in need of collective recognition and healing, doesn’t mean Love, harmony and pure wholeness can’t exist here as well.

It’s up to us to cultivate the Divine qualities on an Earth that tends to make us feel rejected or uncared for and personally; when I recognize what I perceive to be darkness or difficulty on this Earth, I see that my mission here is that much more important. The Light is here on this Earth to stay and has been for quite a while, but it’s hard to notice the Light when we greet an Earthly experience that continually tests our faith and resolve.

I hope I’m not the only one continuing to experience amazing and incredible spiritual benefits in this moment.

I see that some others seem a bit down in the dumps or in need of recalibration before continuing on with their mission, and I see that some have found themselves a bit too snowed-in to want to continue on. It’s very unfortunate indeed, but I write this to remind us all that Love is not only here to stay on this world, but is growing in every moment.

Let our hearts go out to those among us embroiled in struggle or strife, and let us each be comforted in our times of difficulty or in the times we just can’t feel like we can go on. I’ve certainly had those times myself, and feel no shame in admitting it. I’d imagine many of you reading this have had those times as well.

In times of immense difficulty or sadness, it helps to know that in different places on this planet in every moment, dedicated Lightworkers are feeling blissful states of consciousness and Earthly awareness, and are able to diligently anchor the higher dimensions unto this Earth as a result.

Wes Annac – Reinforcing the Love that can never be fully-extinguished.

Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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  • good food still hungry though. ive been able to only think and belive pure thoughts . by doing that ive been only creating and attracting the best ,seeing the best, promoting the best mediating the best. this is what my 5d about. there is no limits for me at all. and when i hear great things being channelled doesnt matter who or what channeling it i only perceive the best. ive created this but it wasnt nothing easy at all ive been following my tail for a long time meaning ive been going around in circles. but now i walk a straight path. and take my time doing so not rushing my self to the goal. balancing my chakras everyday and staying away from negative people that could harm my field.senseless arguments i run away from . like if a dog chasing me you win i lose.

    ive understood how i fall victim to 3d life and it took me 2 years to realize this. but it aint no going back there going to be time where i dont even believe it exist at all. because my expansion of 5d life is only going upwards to &. i love everything truly . everyone is moving at there own pace being patient is key.

  • Thank You Wes! So very true and Uplifting. We are responsible for where our thoughts take us . . . We are constructing the bridge of Upliftment N2 the Higher Realms as we focus on and create our Joy. If we can just focus on and be Grateful for just One thing . . .we are able to raise up our frequency one Gratitude at a time . . . Until viola! More and more to be Grateful for . . . Appears before us! And like an Ever Upward Arching Stairway we are carried N2 the Golden AGE!
    I am Always Grateful for you my Brother . . .Blessings to You Wes for the Positive Vibration and Inspiration!
  • Many thanks, Adonai and Light Being. :) :) :)

  • rev.joshua, maybe not so much as 5D world,  but perhaps more a different outlook and view. rev see beyond what you see, look beyond the superficial and the seemingly gloominess, it is there….just need to raise your head and see fully your path.

    The lives of all of us, of course go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must slowly and steadily march on, and with this never walk backward, within the marching comes the myriad of changes.  There are no other footsteps on your path, only the ones you make and there are no closed doors any resistance to truths is the locked door that which you possess the key, you merely need to insert the key and open…. You are the Key!

    The one with the long-term vision has with them the code to clear the path of deep-rooted resistance. Every obstruction that is overcome enhances the spiritual and will release a huge spiral of energy that takes you unto the next dimension. Then, even more, one begins to look at obstructions as entry points to the next spirals of one’s existence. Enlightenment is a destructive process; it neither does have anything to do with becoming better or happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruths. It’s seeing through the façade of pretence and is the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.

    This is our one and only chance at mortal life-here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realisation that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon this Earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.

    Do not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and non-existent future. Find joy in the journey-now.

  • Inspiring words Wes, I just wish I could see this 5D world that you are talking about, things still seem gloomy to me. I really thought it was going to happen on 12-21-12 but it puckered out, but I still have Hope& Faith. Adonai

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