I need your help.
I believe this world is in a critical situation NOW! I am herefor one purpose. To help these animals and others, because of what manhas done to them, both in the wild and in captivity. These animalsshould be in the wild, doing what they are meant to do to keep theplanet in balance.
My animals are extinct in the wild.
The big cats at Zion are my life. I have been wrongly excludedfrom their life. I say people hurt others because they can’t see pastthemselves. Some people simply want to possess these Big Cats. I amtheir ‘dad’. I want to do everything possible for them and in doing sohelp benefit big cats and other animals in the wild. In the meantime Iwant my park back. The Big Cat Rescue Trust is set up to assist withthat.
Craig Busch, The Lionman