Hieros Gamos or “Hierogamy” is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite...One of the most harrowing results of this accelerated paradigm shift, i
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"The Indigo Evolution" is a documentary that attempts to answer the question - Are these 'Indigos' only the fanciful notions of a few individuals embracing new-age, metaphysical beliefs, or is there real evidence tha
The year of magic, 2012 is now upon you all...we applaud all of you dear Light bearers who are incarnate on Gaia’s surface, in many times under the most difficult of circumstances, as your Light has been added to the mix of collective energy on Earth
~ How to Master Your Reality ~
Adama of Telos
channeled by Annette Sassou
We are most pleased to see you all here tonight. We are so joyous, we can't even put it in words, how happy we are, to see each and every one of you dear On
Over time, more and more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you.....it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger pic
The Evolution of Christ Consciousness
Many of you have been feeling the powerful downloads of energy moving through you ...during this last week...This activity can translate into feelings of tiredness and sleepiness and sometimes the opposite of this, which is sleeplessness...All is wel
Regardless if you are male or female you have the power to MASTER your own domain in your physical nature in all of its aspects; body, mind and of course spirit...Both energies are required to be fully balanced to receive the calm and peace you are s
Your tensions are huge obstacles to overcome when it comes to higher quality of vibrations. Can you feel the tensions accumulated in your back? In your neck, along your spine, between your shoulder blades? Even your skull and the skin surrounding it
...many who have ascended even recently have chosen to come back and hold the Light for those who have yet to awaken but will do so when the right ‘time’ approaches...A few...are walking upon your Earth in an ascended expression of self, though they
We are here today to transmit this important message to humanity...Never before have you been able to do such a big step forward in your evolutionary pathway...understand that ascension is not just an event in your thinking mind, as many believe...th
...many of YOU now are able to view the human life experience through the veils of illusion...know that when faced with a negative there is always a positive, for one cannot exist without the other...Many will try to convince YOU that they know YOUr
We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but ...realize that those moments are not a "failure" in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to "habit."...Multidimensional
SaLuSa 09-December-2011
We can literally jump distance by taking a short cut, and can if necessary travel faster than light. There are rules of conduct that have to be observed, and what you would call Policemen of the Universe such as the Ashtar Com
For many of YOU the last few weeks have been a strain with a lot of emotion coming to the surface ...The dramas that are now unfolding around YOU and through YOU are the illusion teachings that must be let go of...The old is the anchor that sees you
Day of Rest - A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran
(as received by Ariel DeAngelis on December 3, 2011)
You may had heard of the flood that has come to Mother Earth; a deluge so far and wide that none will be left unaffected by its swath. An
The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies
December 4, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
We have been in council of late discussing your human condition. You know that we are not perfect, as you are not. We are not gods. We have troubl
You have made enormous strides in the last few months, and the results are plain to see all over the planet...When you awaken into Reality the insignificance of the illusion and all that it seems to contain might just amuse you...And as you allow Lov
If we just forget the books of conspiracy, seminars on enlightenment, videos on ascension. Toss out all eastern religions, gurus, gods, new age, all religious institutions, be done with all priests, rabbis and masters, all spiritual groups, feel good
The disclosure you wish to see will indeed occur in a timely and organized way to create the most value and the least disruption...Religion...will be threatened as never before. Expect the most virulent attacks and resistance from that quarter...this