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Author | Creator of the bestselling World of Archangels | Unconditional Love will forever be our true nature as Creators | I AM Original Seed.
Intuition is pure. It cannot be manipulated or somehow infi
What do you do when you take a look at a clock and see that the time is 11:11? A lot of people make a wish. Some just take a note of the time. Actually a lot of people believe that the time 11:11 is particularly noticeable and memorable.
There are a
Sponsored Blog By: World of Archangels
Over the course of many years putting together the spiritual pieces that make up humanity's current level of consciousness, it has crossed my mind time and time again that the real values of spirituality are no
Individualism, consumerism, and progressive success have constrained us to lower consciousness, but we yearn to ascend and expand it.
When our consciousness expands, even momentarily, we see the world very differently — as a place wher
Top leading SCIENTISTS who have been seeking evidence of anti-matter in space have recently claimed to have stumbled across a previously unknown “invisible life form” here on Earth, which could quite possibly be SPYING on us all! Could this be the p
[Source: Kauilapele's Blog]
Okay… I never watch “normal”, MSM TV anymore. But tonight I viewed the first episode of the new X-Files (8PM HST)… and tomorrow night is the second episode (7PM HST). I was pretty “blown away” by the amount of “in your face
Why consciousness “must be an illusion”
Conventional physics has painted itself into a corner, because it assumes that all sub-atomic particles (the constituents of the brain and the universe) contain no awareness whatsoever.
Advantages Of Using The Pineal Gland.
Please Watch ❤
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To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact:
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In the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..
As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within on
What truly works.
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Credit: pinterest.com
This was written for the 177th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
Income from the newsletter ensures I can get by and continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. The option to subscrib
Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December you are integrating and balancing the powerful completion energies of the wave of Quantum Cosmic Light that was initiated in August at the 8:8:8 and descended through the Lion’s Gate.
This energy has
Wake Up World
What does it mean to be Alert? When the notion of Alertness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake. Alertness is, however, not identical with being awake, since being aw
Solar ionic particles have the ability to cut through to the nucleus of the human atom, to shift its chemical bonds and change the very make-up of our atomic structure. This alters the ratio of the basic compounds of our elemental body, thereby takin
On an individual and collective level, major changes are blasting through humankind. You may have not consciously perceived this, however you would havefelt the changes upon you. Speeding up dramatically, like wheels of a cosmic engine that are flexi
*) Our DNA is transforming to 12Strands, the elements in our physical bodies are build of (the platonic solids), are downloading new layers of the divine blueprint for humanity on planet earth. That takes a bit of time and may create one or the other
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Justin89636 Yeah okay buddy you keep telling yourself that lol.