Everything is made of energy, we are energy and all energy has a vibration. We vibrate out our thoughts, desires, and fears daily...If everything we think vibrates from us into the universe, it must also vibrate within us...Being present means being
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The dark and evil veil that has been in control of our planet and humanity for billions of years now, since the fall from grace from Lemuria to Atlantis and to present times is in the process of being lifted... as all the man-made and manipulation-dr
Have you ever thrown a giant rock into the water and watched it create a big splash—which quickly faded out? But what happened when you threw smaller stones into different areas of the pond?...Today’s light workers, First Wavers, or people of high fr
A vow made with strong intent carries over into other lifetimes unless a time limit is specified, which is usually not the case...We may have made other vows, such as a vow of everlasting love or of vengeance...your soul sees love as universal and n
... there is a specific astrological alignment occurring that hasn’t been seen since America’s Revolutionary War and it will be influencing many upcoming events on this planet...two different astrologers have stated that we should expect a spiritual
Some people are ‘service to self’ and some are ‘service to others’. Some people believe in loving everyone while others may show dislike toward certain people in power...those who protest war are also waking up other people to the atrocities, oppres
Many people living on the planet right now have volunteered to accept the opportunity to play teaching, healing, inspirational and leadership roles during this current planetary transformation...The more accurately we perceive the world around us, th
One question I like to ask people is this: If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?....We are the light that is at the end of the tunnel. It’s time for graduation....Are you ready to go home to 5d Earth?