11 (27)
Personal Notes:
Ø Thank you Google: The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material (DNA or RNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells. The human genome is the complete set o
Silently seeking the matter which is constantly forming while forever transcending time, place, space, continuously knowing what was, what is and what will be. Holding an immeasurable freedom with the absenteeism for the need of knowledge as to why.
Stop Conforming.....
Done some soul searching lately, I think Ive come to understand what is actually wrong with society.
We all live in this world where we are made to believe that we have to be good and righteous people and that if we are not then it
Every now and again doubt enters your mind, a constant dialogue of chatter that can be a true adversary...While the Ego remains in control, your spirit body has difficulty providing you with the fluid perception required to access your higher truth..
I AM the task master that is commonly known as ‘The Disciplinarian’. When you call for my presence into your lives, understand that I AM a direct and stern master...When we do work together ... I will not sit idly and allow any of you to up and leave
Now is the time, humanity, to straighten up yourself! Now is the time to drop all your chains that keep you in the illusion of what you are not...The first...is the chain of false self-identification. This is the root of all your bondage and sufferin
So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves ...The truth is that each of you is a vital piece
... there is a specific astrological alignment occurring that hasn’t been seen since America’s Revolutionary War and it will be influencing many upcoming events on this planet...two different astrologers have stated that we should expect a spiritual
There are millions of souls on this world who know of ascension, who know that it is real and who know that the reality we have been subjected to is not the only reality that exists...The division that has been noticed ...has been between those who b
The human race has a limited view of the world and yet within that limited view there are more boundaries and more containing teachings so that the world looks distorted to many... The need to address the concerns of the human race is paramount, it s
Acceptance of yourselves just as you are, without judgment or self-criticism, opens the way for you to accept others just as they are, and helps you to catch glimpses or inklings of the truth of the statement “All are one.”.. You are moving relentles
....your united ascension process has come to a point where it went over the ridge...The first step is always the most difficult one...Most of those who are awakening, are not yet aware of this new process, as they are still dreaming...We ask that y
For many of us...2011 was difficult...it was a much more compressed and intense year of having to, if not master, then at the very least get vastly better with regards to our Emotional Bodies and our reactionary emotional reactions to whomever or wha
...many of YOU now are able to view the human life experience through the veils of illusion...know that when faced with a negative there is always a positive, for one cannot exist without the other...Many will try to convince YOU that they know YOUr
With the energies fluctuating more frequently, harsh words can easily arise and feeling easily hurt. Take heed to those who may not understand your way of thinking. Curb the judging as not all are at the same level of spiritual understanding and what
We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous importance and as such, will mark a "before and after" in
Dissolving your negative thought patterns is ESSENTIAL not just for your ascension but for your overall spiritual health which also effects your physical health to various degrees. The more you practice using the flame the more understanding you beco
Understanding your True Heart and the Three-Fold flame that is within you is important -- Power, Wisdom, and Love...This Three-Fold flame involves three colours, pink, gold and blue...These three flames are required to be balanced within us.
It is important to remember that your task is to make room for your greater Self to begin to manifest within your physical Being. This is an ongoing process, it is not something that will happen instantly.
September 11