We, the Arcturians, are observing, that you, dear humans, are already greatly responding to this very important shift....Some of you might not be directly aware of it, but all of you will notice in the coming days and weeks that something significant
11-11-11 (6)
We would like to speak to you about the upcoming time that you might know as 11-11-11. For many of you, this is the most auspicious time you have had in your lifetimes. It is an opening, it is an opportunity for all of you to transform yourself into
Flames of green and gold are being confirmed from our side of the veil. This means that the activation of divine consciousness has begun...Those who are truly AWAKENED to what human consciousness is as their natural condition are to get the call....N
“…these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousne
...for now this is a message of some consequence...but I realise I have to have faith, and keep sending positive light to the situation. I have had archangels confrm this date, ascended masters and personal spirit guides....The date for disclosure is
Free Global Inet Telecast
Interview with James Tyberonn
Hosted By Merrilee Kinzie
2012 & The Triple Date Portal - 11-11-11
Link : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/innerprizes
Saturday, June 11 - Live Interview Timings:
11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm