Most people in Canada, the United States, UK and many other nations are operating on auto-pilot, completely ignorant to the fact their current governments have absolutely no authority over them....( Section 52 - The Canadian Charter of Rights and Fre
11th (5)
From our perspective all is instantaneous; however you are still living in a world that experiences time in a linear fashion....time will continue to lessen, and years will feel like months, and months will feel like days...many of you are now resona
We have power within us to affect our reality, but its through dimensional energy vibration WHICH THE LOW VIBRATING EVIL ONES DO NOT HAVE. They lack light ...they have to suck off energy from others...they use fear to keep us out of our vibrational
Dear Lightbearers,
People must not focus too heavily on the importance of dates...especially GREGORIAN CALENDAR DATES.......Note that only MAYAN CALENDAR DATES are aligned with the cosmic pulse and I strongly urge you all to study the Mayan calendar.
to group-meditate daily
who can walk their talk for
to group-manifest
Don't ignore the signs!
Yes, there are starships and lightships within our skies!