Dr. Angela Barnett (Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) When a person has their Akashic Readings done, they are usually just being told about the one
13 (21)
We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French
Many eons have been spent preparing for this extraordinary event, and now, with the preparations complete, a most wonderful experience is about to envelop you...Many once thought that pain and suffering were holy in the sight of God, and that to embr
The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace. All is exactly as it should be...Waiting for the arrival of this mind-altering event continues to be stressful for very many of you who have held the Light and the vision...That was one of your reasons f
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Today I went to an event where Kiesha Crowther (Little Grandmother) gave a lecture.
I was whole day very excited to meet her, and felt warm energies flowing while driving to the event.
She had a special message for the
We are here today to transmit this important message to humanity...Never before have you been able to do such a big step forward in your evolutionary pathway...understand that ascension is not just an event in your thinking mind, as many
...patience is a blessing dear ones...Patience gets tested often throughout your lifetime and how you respond...requires observation with keen inner wisdom... You will find yourself guided to material through your guides...How many times have you rea
"....we know that you were expecting much to happen on the 11-11-11 day, and many of you are disappointed....However...Spirit does not appear in the ways often expected by third dimensional consciousness, but appears in ways that are quiet and gentle
11/11/11 marked the day in which the greatest endowment of creational energies were given to us to mold and sculpt our new collective reality...many more agents of the dark cabal will fall in the coming days ahead for many a varied and assorted reas
Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency...Many more of Humanity is starting to awaken and this metamorphosis will continue in the mo
Acceptance of where you are is the key. If you rail against the situations in which you find yourselves you will not see, let alone understand or learn, the lessons offered to you, and which you decided with divine guidance to incorporate into your l
What once was hidden shall be revealed for all to see and once seen the masses will be quick to awaken and act...The old world is fast diminishing in a time compression spoken of in the Mayan Calendar...You are going to see great changes between now
We are here to tell you that despite the evident turmoil on the surface of your world, there is much afoot behind the scenes...Ask us! Council, I have a problem, please help. And we will...We need our ground crew. That's you, dear ones
In an instant my Life seemed to change, and my whole personality was transformed. Where I once had close relationships with many friends and family members, I have now begun to find I have nothing in common with these souls.
Sept. 13, 2011
This i
Hearts of light are rapidly opening around the world right now, belonging to those humans who are spreading light among us....As you walk your energetic journey, you create change for people and the world around you....
By Lee Harris
Welcome. We all need to breathe, to eat and to sleep. That is the basic functions of each and every one of alive across the planet earth. But many take this for granted and then seek to look for the differences and fall into illusion.
Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
7 Ben, 11 Kumku, 7 Ik
Dratzo! We return!
We sit and wait in much anticipation high above you. We know that the divine moment for our Earth allies approaches! The da
I’m saddened by some of the things I’m seeing around me and I feel the need to share about it.
I recall that, when I and three friends began a discussion group several years ago, I was filled with hope.