13 (21)

We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French

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Many eons have been spent preparing for this extraordinary event, and now, with the preparations complete, a most wonderful experience is about to envelop you...Many once thought that pain and suffering were holy in the sight of God, and that to embr

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The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace. All is exactly as it should be...Waiting for the arrival of this mind-altering event continues to be stressful for very many of you who have held the Light and the vision...That was one of your reasons f

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"....we know that you were expecting much to happen on the 11-11-11 day, and many of you are disappointed....However...Spirit does not appear in the ways often expected by third dimensional consciousness, but appears in ways that are quiet and gentle

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Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency...Many more of Humanity is starting to awaken and this metamorphosis will continue in the mo

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Acceptance of where you are is the key. If you rail against the situations in which you find yourselves you will not see, let alone understand or learn, the lessons offered to you, and which you decided with divine guidance to incorporate into your l

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What once was hidden shall be revealed for all to see and once seen the masses will be quick to awaken and act...The old world is fast diminishing in a time compression spoken of in the Mayan Calendar...You are going to see great changes between now

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Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

7 Ben, 11 Kumku, 7 Ik

Dratzo! We return!

We sit and wait in much anticipation high above you. We know that the divine moment for our Earth allies approaches! The da

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** Spirit(제거)..!!!
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** Spirit(제거)..!!!
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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*** Arrest War (w전).!!!!
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*** Arrest War (w전)..!!!!
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
4 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Justin89636's blog post The Sigma Draconians And The Sigma Draconian Solar System
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
5 hours ago