The Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit...There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cav
13th (5)
...for those of you who do not yet notice much change in yourselves, we should make a few recommendations and observations...our view of you is from a perspective which you have not yet reached in many cases, we see a you which you are, as yet, unabl
We ask you to ready yourselves for the coming disclosures and insights into the true history of your world and into the true potential that mankind has and has always had within...As you are are finding the surfacing and rediscovering
As you embrace more of the Light that you Are, you feel more clearly what is in discord with Your Light and THE Light of All that Is. This is natural, purposeful and right on schedule...How are you to assist others if you are following the power of L