We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French
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THE RIDDLE OF LIGHT AND DARK: Colors and Musical Tones Create 28 Universes, plus Ascension / Completion! Also, LION'S GATE HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL PORTAL - In Chinese and English
We communicate to our global gala
The times that are upon you require that you allow yourselves to just BE instead of doing. It is a period of inner contemplation and adjusting...There is gradual progress being made in the raising of the vibrational level of the Earth and all upon...
We will now speak of the abilities you are acquiring which will allow you to live happier and longer lives. Not long ago your scientists discovered DNA... By far the largest portion of your DNA they proclaimed to be junk...There is nothing at all abo
As every single day goes by and I continue to look at the state of the world around me, I feel divided at best...every day is a constant effort in myself to find the purer paradigms in myself that will see me (and hopefully all of us) exposed to the
...your state of consciousness... is about to change. Its effect upon you is directly equal to its ability to cause you stress and fear. We ask you to understand that the changes and apparent chaos you may soon experience are necessary to remove thos

It pains us to watch you go through what you do, but if you had our perspective you would know that the lessons which are turning you inside out, are serving to expose demons in yourself, that you grew comfortable with and acquainted yourself with wh
I don't know about you, but in my experience there seems to descend on us a huge new wave of conscious energy, very thick and warm and embracing - and extremely powerful...It seems to undo our old world, perception and way of existence, with the inte
The nature of the situation you find yourselves in demands that your 'current events' must get sorted out at a much quicker pace, which means that we need to take a firmer role in your affairs...we now firmly state that these stages need to be fused
As we close out these final days that lead us into the mysterious ending cycle of 2012, we are at the stage of growth which requires our direct Participation...We have a new self that is emerging now...This process leads to a direct change in our “se
Do not hold on therefore to the shadows of the past, as they do not have any real fundament any more but are just relicts of a non-existing world. You must understand, that from the perspective of spirit your old world is already gone and what you st
It is time to remember who you were, in order to become all you are in this awakening time, this return to the Quantum Crystalline Field Atlantis was a Golden Time, a magnificent epoch, that was betrayed by its unseemly end...So we speak of once migh

Hacking collective targets secretive power brokers as part of “biggest day” in group’s history
Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, Tuesday, July 12, 2011
YouTube – Forbidden Discoveries – Ancient Atomic Blast and Aeronautical Science

April 12, 2011
Further Explanations & Validations by Denise leFay Since January 2011 I’ve talked about how the NEW energies would be coming online within the Starseed Lightworkers/Lightworkers/Wayshowers now that our bodies |