At 11:55 AM EST December 21st 2012 we leave a 26,000-year period known as the ‘Kali Yuga’ (Iron Age) and begin the 26,000-year period prophesized as the ‘Golden Age’....Each Yuga has two 13,000-year periods where male and female ethics dominate. We a
18 (21)
This is the crucial time where we need to understand, that we are creators. That the world happens from inside out, and not the other way around...For Millenniums we have been told by our controllers that we are sheep and worthless material. It is hi
Your beautiful ascension process is more than anything a realization on the part of the ascendee, of the hollow and truly transparent nature of the seemingly solid and dense reality which you find around you...Indeed your reality is quite hollow, and
It is with much excitement that I share my insights about the new roles we are assuming...Never has there been a time that access to these energies has been this heightened..We are currently in a phase of merging our many selves. This process of soul
We have sensed the turn away from channeled messages as of late in many souls, and this is all progressing according to the Divine Plan... For some, a reliance on channeled messages has been fostered as many souls feel that they cannot themselves fee
We encourage you to trust in the process of your transformation and to consciously say “yes” to this process, because if you do your path will be much smoother and happier, with no hindrances of your opposing ego in the currents of change, which are
There is much talk about ascension and once more we guide that ascension is a personal process that is done by each individual human across the planet...Each and every individual human has a responsibility for their growth and expansion and this must
All in the spiritual realms are watching with joy as, despite the difficulties and continue to hold your Light on high as you move purposely forward towards the moment of awakening...Now it is becoming apparent that that exhilarating m
..There are those who have often seen the image of 11:11 in their outer reality, each time this happens it served as a trigger within the individual. Each time the 11:11 is seen or observed more individuals are triggered, they become active receivers
...for now this is a message of some consequence...but I realise I have to have faith, and keep sending positive light to the situation. I have had archangels confrm this date, ascended masters and personal spirit guides....The date for disclosure is
by Benjamin Fulford
The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,” they answered, without hesitation, “sure what
To all the countries which are worried about repaying the debt that was imposed on them: it was a scam...all debt will be wiped out when the new system comes in. You have only a few weeks to of integrity such as Mr Enda Kenny (Ireland), m
People everywhere are sensing that something of great significance for humanity is about to occur – and they are not mistaken...
The divine moment for which all have been waiting with such zestful enthusiasm draws ever clos
Tired of your life the way it’s been, your worn-out habits and the repetitive patterns you can’t seem to shake? Here’s your chance...take that next big step
What do you want?
When we’re little, that’s what people are always
For every human you experience who is locked in drama there is a chance for YOU to lift a veil....For that human is YOU and YOU are they, for ALL ARE ONE.
We welcome you and we guide and support you at all times, we are the
Good morning to you. There are a couple of things I would like to ask you about, but not sure if we shall have time to an
Strange....synchronicities "seem" to be abound.
I posted this video yesterday:
Its from video feed from days ago....
Today....I come across this:
Here is our daily meditation for this week
–4/18 through 4/26 --
to rise up with Mother Earth Gaia… and join our team to ensure ascension Now.
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' a
SaLuSa 18-March-2011
As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks. It is a situation that is making people