You have allowed yourselves to forget who you truly are. This is not a judgment of that, dear hearts. It was necessary to do that if you were to truly experience this dimension...You have progressed from believing in unseen things to the self-knowled
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Confirmation of your purpose and plan will come to you in many ways...This knowing of yourself is your mission here on this earth plane. There is nothing else more important than for you to know this place of you...This is your choice, to actively em
When humanity awakens it will be to a fantastic welcome from all who have been watching and encouraging you on your homeward journey since it began, eons ago...This enormous change in perception is the driving power that is propelling you forcefully
When you begin to know the feelings of others within yourselves, you will have no desire to harm another being... when you begin to feel the oneness of all, then causing harm will not be possible for you any longer....We know you feel the moment appr
...we are the High Council of Orion, The Galactic Council of the Elders and the Galactic Council of twelve, we come through our channel at this time to make our presence known to you on planet earth...The time is now for the new to unfold...The rules