...many of you are now moving rapidly in vibration and this is causing many of you to become frustrated as your head tries to negate that which the heart accepts...The ability to go beyond human words now opens up for a huge percentage of the human r
18th (5)
2013 is welcomed with open arms by all Universes, many dimensions breathing a deep sign of eternal relief...2013 does not live in the earth plane but has announced its arrival on an island outside of time in another dimensional flux different from ea
As the days flow by so quickly now...Many of you are experiencing a recurring of old repetitive cycles of thought and feeling that you thought you had successfully overcome...remember... to recognize these cycles and immediately switch your thought t
Many of you are now releasing emotion at levels you have never experienced before and we are here to help you address that which may be playing out within your human life experience. It may be that your eyes feel dulled to the sparkle of the new for
I AM the task master that is commonly known as ‘The Disciplinarian’. When you call for my presence into your lives, understand that I AM a direct and stern master...When we do work together ... I will not sit idly and allow any of you to up and leave