ZERO GRAVITY Dr. Angela Barnett ZERO GRAVITY was recorded while I was floating around in my recording studio during the moment of ZERO GRAVITATION caused by the Stellar Waves filling my cells with enough anti-particle frequ
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Only two causes behind,
If Him, you fail to find.
One your Guru is not full,
The other you are dull.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Only two causes behind,
If Him, you fail to find.
One your Guru is incomplete,
The other you are incompetent.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Eternal Father Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
(Part 2) The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Releasing Preconceptions, the March Intensification and the Collective Lightworker Consciousness
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Understanding the Ray of Love & Wisdom
From The Elohim Masters Appollo & Lumina
When we embrace the energies of Love and Wisdom through the Essence of the Elohim Masters, it brings forth a feeling of gentleness and understanding of the Golden-Yellow Ra
Our New 5D Earth
Robert Perez a.k.a ETFirstContact41
Created and Photoshoped
My Vision of Our New Earth and Two Suns
It is a time on earth in which many are now questioning the status quo. Awakening souls empowered with truth are asking serious questions of those pretending to have all the answers...You are graduating and are now beginning to realize that you are i
I Love You This Much
I Love You to remind you to Love yourself when you decide to embody fear so to dominate me and everyone else you decide you want to deeply hurt.
I Love You so much that I choose to be a pacifist for the sole purpose to bring you
Let us speak of that which was so powerful that it awakened you....many are feeling these things for the first time and do not know where to get an explanation....We told you previously that these frequencies would...have changed your molecular stru
July 2,2012
Much is happening this day. You know this. You feel it. Yet, because the media, which you do not trust, does not report it, you are in doubt. This would bring chuckles to us, dear hearts, except for the fact t

Hello my friends,
I know this story has nothing to do with the current events taking place all around us however, I feel it may help give you something different to think about. Feel free to to give ANY advice i am new to this and would love your com
Those who still hold on to the occult power of the destiny of all humanity...are finally aware that the Forces of Light, formed by a resounding and effective coalition amongst yourselves, the Light workers...are achieving their displacement from thei
The old world order criminals in Washington D.C. and the G5 terrorist states think they are winning the ongoing financial war for the future of this planet but they are very mistaken...there have been major unreported gun battles at night in Tokyo re
The year of magic, 2012 is now upon you all...we applaud all of you dear Light bearers who are incarnate on Gaia’s surface, in many times under the most difficult of circumstances, as your Light has been added to the mix of collective energy on Earth
This is the time when all of the world’s people must all come together...Let it be known that you are all loved by many people from every country who do not buy into the propaganda...In the United States, six people literally control all of the mains
...what may very well have seemed to be sitting on the edge of your reality has now entered full center, you can no longer deny it – if ever you did...You have been shown images of sphinxes and statues and underground transport systems, pyramids, bas
Make discourse with the Higher realms a daily part of your day...Talk to us....Ask for our assistance with your current challenges, then look for our answers... through thought transference, through images, words, thoughts, impulses, through the word
Prior to your awakening, there will be some confusion and anxiety because the change from deep sleep to full wakefulness is a vast change, an enormous step, a little bit like the temporary disorientation you can experience when you awaken in the morn