Time Space Continuum Space Craft 777 Lightworker Grid Meditation by Ashtar + The Domino Effect by Sananda (Galactic Ascension) + The Gathering of Souls (Who is in Your Soul Group? What are Soul Fragments?)
20 (23)
We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French
Sooo very much going "on" from ALL sides........YOUR world going from ONE extreme to the next...And so the Dominoes fall......ONE by ONE.......
What is a walk-in? A new birth that happens when one body, already in an animated state with a death wish, can become the mature body for another animator to continue its life...When this occurs, both souls are in the body for awhile until the origin
You have been aiming for this point for eons...If you just focus on the progress that has been made in the last few decades...you can see that, suddenly, caring and consideration for one another have become issues that you are now addressing enthusia
...we are watching with delight as you move ever closer to the moment of your most wondrous awakening. The speed of its approach is quite astonishing...Harmony of a kind never before experienced on your planet is about to envelop all of you ...for eo
...while the new energies are settling down on your earth and in your bodies...Old “matter” is stirred up, energies which do not belong to new earth...Let it go and do not hold on to anything what you have considered so far to be “you”!...They are pa
Human BEings are the bridges that are between the stars and the planet earth, each one of YOU moving through the human life experience and moving through the emotional states that occur whilst YOU inhabit a human body...Many are stuck in the illusion
We are aware that many of you have been experiencing emotional turmoil and physical discomfort. You are all clearing away the clouds - dumping layers of sedimentary karmic and emotional junk that has been your accumulated burden across many incarnati
Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency...Many more of Humanity is starting to awaken and this metamorphosis will continue in the mo
...the experience is an extension or an expansion of the consciousness, in which the consciousness can bypass time as is understood. It strikes a chord across the arc and reaches the point before the consciousness does, before the world does, before
Call upon the Violet Flame dear ones during all parts of your routine. When you invoke, or call upon the Violet Flame, either through decrees, songs, mantras, affirmations, even manifestations, you are releasing an enormous phenomenon of light that w
Please Arrest G. W. Bush in Surrey BC. Oct 2011
( link provided below to Surrey's Mayor: Ms. D. Watts email address)
You are about to witness events once thought only made for motion pictures....The time is upon you, the orchestra is tuning up for the overture to your symphony. Be brave, be joyful, help others understand...
You are about to
The human body is your vehicle...yet...Many mindlessly pour fuel into their body with no thought as to why the body needs to be fuelled....If YOU consume foods that are processed they contain NO life energy for they are not energy...we ask who this s
Being discerning is not about determining whether someone agrees with your belief or not, it is about assessing whether something comes from Christ Consciousness or not. Anything that does not come from Christ Consciousness is just another ego's opi
As a way of understanding the possible importance of the Murdoch investigation, let’s look at the way the world’s media have operated in previous years.
Backgrounder on Illuminati Control of the Mass Media
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled through Valerie Donner, June 20, 2011
Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High Council.
We are as close as ever to you.
Benjamin Fulford, June 20 2011: “Bilderberger meeting cancelled halfway through as participants flee to avoid arrest”
Here is our daily meditation for this week
–4/18 through 4/26 --
to rise up with Mother Earth Gaia… and join our team to ensure ascension Now.
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' a