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So very many of you are now realizing the extent to which we are making personal contacts using our starships during your night time...To those who are beginning to become open to seeing us regularly, we say that we are beginning to give many of thes

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Our message today is for you to maintain your center during the coming three weeks...The alignments and energy which begins these for you now may cause some discomfort, but allow that to settle for you...The most important saviors of Earth are landin

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 The lower vibrations have been the ‘name of the game’ for almost every Life you have all Lived on Gaia’s surface, and we are now asking you to turn away from such emotions and feelings ...It is important now for us to stress the importance of your m

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The House and Senate voted for the passage of the FAA bill that funds 30,000 drones to surveil Americans knowing that the majority are to be armed initially with shotgun tasers... I decided to only report the Senate vote because the bill included str

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Over time, more and more of you will develop a radiance so powerful and expansive that it will begin to have a positive effect on those around you.....it is vital that you learn to view life from a higher vantage point. Endeavor to see the bigger pic

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 ...a South Dakota woman....received a Xmas card from the White House that included an image of a UFO in sky above the White House....two more copies of the card with the possible alien craft seen on it have surfaced...It appears that the White Ho
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When you awaken, as you will, all sense of separation or aloneness will be gone, and you will recognize and experience the glory of Reality in which all are intimately and divinely connected...Your joy on awakening will transport you into the infinit

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 Until you release attitudes of judgment and blame, and until you stop nurturing desires to see those whom you feel have offended, hurt, taken advantage of you or betrayed you, taken to task and punished for their misdeeds you will not awaken...This

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...many people on the Planet are beginning to awaken from their sleep and for many, it is a very uncomfortable process. It is not easy, as each of you all know, to face the true reality of life upon Earth that has been passing as life, and coming to

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Many are now experiencing various symptoms that herald the increase in frequencies and the anchoring into the human body of the new energies. Hearing “problems”, throat “problems”, stomach “problems” will all indicate and change in frequency of the h

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Hacktivist group Anonymous have been busy bees this year, and they’re not planning to cool down any time soon. Earlier this morning, Anonymous (or some 12-year old kid labeling himself Anonymous, who knows) issued a press release announcing that

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Humans are a species with amnesia...Your extra terrestrial heritage is as yet unacknowledged and is in fact hidden...for when the truth is accepted, doors are opened....




Hidden History of the Human Race

"Humans are a species

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David posted a blog post
                                                                                                          Chapter XVIII                                                                             CONSCIOUSNESS, SUBCONSCIOUSNESS,                     …
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Drexk-more predators and parasites with advanced tech abilities-wonderful.
Thank God for the GFL and all Light warriors!"
6 hours ago
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Edward posted a status
* Solution......!!!
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Drekx Omega posted a status
Off again.....See you later...
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Love & Joy posted a discussion
  🌼**Life Like a Garden: Cultivate Your Thrive! **🌈 Picture yourself in a lush garden, filled with vibrant colors and bewitching scents. Every plant, every flower, represents an aspect of your life. In this metaphor, you are both the gardener and…
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