In the months that have passed since we first wrote the first 24 chapters of the New Scriptures, a new day has dawned on Planet Earth. I will not enumerate all the monumental events that have transpired, but I can assure you, you will be amazed when
25 (19)
Perhaps you think the perception shift we are addressing will be little different from what you experienced or discovered when cleansing your inner-being...The clearing stage we are speaking of is more personal...Perhaps you find a need to leave your
Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL...For those who try to keep their dreamtime free from dreams we ask why?...the dreams that are contained wit
I am here today to offer my sword of fire to release you from any contracts you have ever made...As I carry my sword in front of me, completely balanced, ready to strike and release you from anything that is holding you captive in your human reality,
There will be a time when all your computers and your internet on your world will not work properly because of the interference of the incoming new frequencies on your world.. this will be the time when each one of you will have no other choice than
The disclosure you wish to see will indeed occur in a timely and organized way to create the most value and the least disruption...Religion...will be threatened as never before. Expect the most virulent attacks and resistance from that quarter...this
...disclosure and all that that entails needs to be announced as soon as possible. These issues have lain around unresolved for far too long. Now, Gaia desires to go ahead with her transformation, and our timetable has also reached the point where it
You will also become the Guides and Teachers for those who are just beginning their Journey of Awakening and leaving the third-dimensional matrix for the Higher Awareness of Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery. Just as you have worked to master the S
Breathe in the energy that is available to you as never before, transmute it into your own enlightenment and breathe it out for the rest of the planet. Become a peace factory with every breath you take.
The time is very close ind
Now is not the time to be small. Now is not the time to hide your light because you are afraid of what others may think....It is time to step not be afraid to step into the shoes that you are meant to fill...
In truth, life in the illusion could hardly be called life at all, for it has been bare subsistence backed by the constant hope...that you would one day return to your divine Home. And that is about to happen.
09/25/2011 by
Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time...To be fully accepted and trusted as a close personal friend of a Sirian means that you have been carefully scruti
"The Vatican is skilled at saying all the right words but their actions do not change. They rule through fear. They make people fearful of dying"
Channeler: Veronica Keen
July 24, 2011
What you have suffered, this week,
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
We of the Arcturian Group come today to tell you of the many changes taking place on your planet. You see so much chaos, but you do not see the light that is bursting forth from within the cha
Berm Fails, Nebraska Nuclear Station Threatened
How far is the cabal willing to take matters? The galactics will, I’m sure, prevent the worst aspects of this disaster, but some of it they cannot interfere with. To call it “Project Flood 2011″
An Adult Lives in the Center
The Region of the Center
Continuing with our discussion of the adult I-state and where it leads, (1) I’ve said that I believe an adult lives in the center.
But we may find that the center is n
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Selamat Balik! We return! The process of transforming your world moves forward at its own divine pace. Meanwhile, the Ascended Masters intend to take this opport

There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak s