I saw a dog by the side of the road, and I kicked it...God said...This is my garden, the garden where my ‘children’ play...in this ever dancing play of light and energy which each creature also is.
Master Hilarion & Source
29 J
I saw a dog by the side of the road, and I kicked it...God said...This is my garden, the garden where my ‘children’ play...in this ever dancing play of light and energy which each creature also is.
Master Hilarion & Source
29 J
"It is just that you forgot that your earth vessel was actually a puppet, an avatar in a video game."
July, 2011
Message From El Morya
I AM the Ascended Master El Morya, and
SaLuSa 30-March-2011
By now you should be getting a feel for what is taking place in your world. If ever you wanted proof that the mass consciousness is a powerful tool, you only have to register how many countries are under pressure for change. I