4th (7)
Hello my Brothers and Sisters, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to continue speaking about OWNERSHIP. When we are received with hostility by others, these ones are only reacting to the Love and Light that you are reflecting back upon them. Those
Hello my lovely and beautiful friends, Brothers and Sisters alike, I am Archangel Metatron. I’d like to speak about “Ownership” today. When one looks upon ALL THAT IS "matter" or whatever that is outside of us, these things do not belong to any one b
You awoke on 12-22-12 to a world that was apparently the same...Ascension does not mean leaving a certain place and going to another. Ascension means attaching your Point of Perception to a higher frequency of reality...Releasing your third-dimension
Have your emotions been more intense lately? Does it seem like there are more thoughts racing through your mind? Have you noticed your body tensing up for no apparent reason? Have you been feeling a vague - or not so vague - sense of anxiety? Are you
For many of YOU the last few weeks have been a strain with a lot of emotion coming to the surface ...The dramas that are now unfolding around YOU and through YOU are the illusion teachings that must be let go of...The old is the anchor that sees you
those of us who have awakened have already ascended to a 4.5 5th dimensional reality
any of the awakened ones experiencing the same worldly connections as those describe in their astral journeys,hint hint,
anything 5th dimensional can manifest in this